Selling  High End  Europe 195 Premium Ships. Majority of removed ships. 59 T10 ships. 25k steel, 2000 days premium.60 WR.

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AoifeS, 2/3/23.

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  1. AoifeS

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    My Location:
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    Price is up for haggling.

    60% Account Winrate.
    195 Premium Ships.
    All current Tech Tree Tier 10 ships except for Hakuryu, Midway, and Audacious.
    Good clan history.

    Account has Smolensk, Smaland, Thunderer, Belfast, Musashi, Missouri, Benham, Kamikaze, Kutuzov, Ragnar, Bourgogne, Annapolis, etc.
    Below is the full list of premium and special ships:

    Current Resources (276,000 Coal, 25,000 Steel, 5000 dubloons, and just under 2000 days of premium time remaining):

    Kuznetsov, Yamamoto, Lutjens, Halsey, Sa Zhenbing, and other special captains can be seen below as well:

    Roughly 1000 blue Economic Bonuses and 600 of each important signal flag (such as fire flags, heal flags, speed flags, detonation flags, etc):
    #1 AoifeS, 2/3/23
    Last edited: 2/3/23
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