Sold 19 Tier X, AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 30B, 18 premium (6 Tier VIII), Legendray Camos, Visit for more detail

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Blitz Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Blitz Account' started by MrJeeaahhh, 8/11/21.

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  1. MrJeeaahhh

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    Thank you for the visit!
    I have not played the account for the last two months, keep that in mind!

    Check my account in game!
    Name: Ricsinagy_MrJ
    Server: EU
    The price can be lowered!

    Gold: 3149
    Credit: 2956967
    Free XP: 469493
    Elite XP: 5.55M
    Tanks: 153

    Battles: 17878
    WR: 52.41%
    Average XP per battle: 666
    Average DMG per battle: 1486
    Ace tankers: 119
    Kolobanov: 8

    Tier X: Sheridan, Sheridan Missile, E50 M, Leopard 1, Maus, E100, Vk 72.01 K, Jg. Pz. E100, Grille 15, Obj 268, Obj 263, Fv215b 183, Ho-Ri, B-C 25 T, AMX 30B, AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50 B, Foch 155, Progetto 65
    Premiums: M6A2E1 EXP, LeKpz M 41 90, IS-5, Lorraine 40T, FCM 50T, 0-47, T26E3 Eagle 7, IS-2 (1945), Pz. IV S., Tiger 131, Loza's Sherman, SU-100Y, Tog II*, Y5 Firefly, Pz. V/IV, Matilda BP, Y5 T-34
    Collectors: Sheridan Missile, AMX 30B, AMX M4 mle. 54, Rudolph, Magnus, Agent, Icebreaker, Triumphant, Thunder, Explorer, Churchill GC, Ox, Eraser BP44, P.43/06 ann., Pz. Sfl. IVc, Spike, Nightamare, M3 Lee, Luchs, Pz. 38 nA, D.W. 2, A-32, T28- mod. 1940, Covenanter, Valentine Mk. IX, Ke-Ho, AMX 40, Pz. II G, T-15, Pz. IV A, BT-SV, UE 57

    Many legendary camouflages!
    -Almost all the tanks have full equipments
    -Insane amount of boosters
    -Many avatars
    -Many camouflages
    -Tank certificates
    -Research certficates
    -Premium certificates
    -A lot profile backgrounds

    Discord: MrJeeaahhh#1750

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    #1 MrJeeaahhh, 8/11/21
    Last edited: 8/15/21
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  2. Wael1529

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