Selling 179 LVL With some rare mounts and portraits!

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Krug4, 7/31/17.

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  1. Krug4

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    Hello im selling my smurf account 179 LVL on Eu server!

    Heroes 34! Most of them are assasins!!!


    Was rank 1 pre season so you can have the portrait and Mount from pre season rewards...

    Rare Mounts :

    Bilie the kid

    Lunar Tiger

    Mechano Spider don't know if you can get it anymore.

    Legendary Skin:

    Toxic prime evile Diablo!

    1000 GEMS!

    Never been ranked after pre season. good account to start!

    ADD ME on Skype: Znoopi91

    or leave message!
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