175k BR lvl.80 Mage + VIP 9

Discussion in 'Wartune Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 1/13/15.

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  1. Games

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    Want to sell an 175 k BR Mage + Vip 9.....whith almost all lvl80 set

    -level 8 at stables

    -lvl5 at clothing and wings -and still have in inventory 2 pairs of wings one on lvl 3 and one on lvl 2

    dont want to say more details because they will constantly modifie because i still play on the accont.

    I have good friends in game , a stabil party for all doungeons, if im not online they always pilot mi account for doungeons(spire,tok nirvana and invasion). I got married in game whits a 200k br archer, he is mi best friend!!!

    I sell this one for 500 euro!!! a small amount of what ive invested in it )

    For more details pm on [email protected]
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