Selling  1682 Rares! Personal account, Standard focused, 25+ Completed decks

Discussion in 'Magic The Gathering Arena Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yellou, 2/27/25 at 6:05 PM.

  1. Yellou

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    Personal MTG Arena Account

    This is an account I played on for several years and spent a lot of money on. The card collection is focused on the Standard format, so you can immediately play with 25+ different Standard decks plus some Alchemy, Explorer and Brawl decks.

    5 210 Commons, 4 100 Uncommons, 1 682 Rares and 373 Mythics
    11 375 cards total!
    Standard sets are completed to a large degree
    Competitive decks like Boros Auras, Dimir Discard, Azorius Oculus, Mono Black Demons and many more!
    Special emotes and phrases
    Rare companions
    36 Beautiful card sleeves
    17 Different avatars
    7 Play-In Points (20 can be used for a Qualifier event)
    Gold and Gems
    Common and uncommon wildcards
    75,7% Vault progress
    Check out screenshots and video for a complete list of Rares and Mythics

    1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 10.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg 13.jpg 14.jpg 15.jpg 16.jpg 17.jpg 18.jpg 19.jpg
    #1 Yellou, 2/27/25 at 6:05 PM
    Last edited: 3/3/25 at 7:18 PM