Selling #168 CASS - 15 Mill Power - HQ 20 - GOLD,...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rob Bradford, 4/14/16.

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  1. Rob Bradford

    Rob Bradford
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    [HASHTAG]#168[/HASHTAG] CASS - 15 Mill Power - HQ 20 - GOLD, SpeedUps, Top Alliance 2.1 Billion power! $500 Selling my account in State # 168 Newer state, still growing, first SvS is still to happen! 15.5mil power HQ 20, ready for 21. Commander Level 46 VIP 10 50m+ in RSS 30k Gold 500+ hours of speedups Over 300k+ T3 troops. Almost full wall of T3 traps (Some T2) Lots of Research: Most econ tree is 7/10 Combat 6-7/10 Commander can attack Lvl 4 Rebels! Several Piece of Level 6 (Legendary) gear and more can be built 100s of Unopened crates Teleports + Peace Shields 50+ Deployment recalls, Anti-Scout, Attack & Defense boosts etc. 50+ 7 day food iron oil stone boost each Acc is set to produce almost 1mill food /hour R3 in Top Alliance in state: 2.1 billion power We control the CP and the forest. Next alliance is only 1 bill power. Gift Level 18: 30-50 gifts daily! 1000-3000 gold daily! (30,000 gold/month!) I've spent a lot on the account but willing to let it go for 350. Flexible on price within reason. Not in a rush to sell.
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