Selling  1660 Rares! Personal account, Standard focused, 20+ Completed decks

Discussion in 'Magic The Gathering Arena Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yellou, 2/27/25 at 6:05 PM.

  1. Yellou

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    Personal MTG Arena Account

    This is an account I played on for several years and spent a lot of money on. The card collection is focused on the Standard format, so you can immediately play with 20+ different Standard decks plus some Alchemy, Explorer and Brawl decks.

    5 138 Commons, 4 036 Uncommons, 1 660 Rares and 366 Mythics
    11 210 cards total!
    Standard sets are completed to a large degree
    Decks like Boros Auras, Dimir Discard, Azorius Oculus, Mono Black Demons and more!
    Special emotes and phrases
    Rare companions
    Tons of beautiful card sleeves
    Check out screenshots below for more info:
    1.jpg 18 (2).jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 19 (5).jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 10.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg 13.jpg 14.jpg 15.jpg 16.jpg 17.jpg
    #1 Yellou, 2/27/25 at 6:05 PM
    Last edited: 2/27/25 at 6:10 PM