Sold 163m T4 Account, 2,7m Troops, Ready for Action - Lv60 Dragon, Purple Tyrion, Max Buildings, Exterior

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zukic, 1/21/20.

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  1. Zukic

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    Account is in K27, FoF alliance. Has 4x Transnational Scroll + 2,3m Alliance Coins. 44k Diamonds, 2,7m soldiers. Full badges, 24x Weirwood Hearts, 343x Fiery Essence + Ancient Dragon, a lot of Race Boots, Ancient Capital and some other exteriors, lv8 merchant ship, blue and above average equipment sets.
    Account power will increase all the time because alliance grants a lot of purple and gold chests all day. Has 2x %75 warrior's summon.
    In my opinion it is a very nice account to build upon.
    Here are the screenshots:
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    That's all you might possibly want to see. Alliance is 8th on world rank. Produces a lot of speed ups and diamonds each day. My best wishes on your journey to whoever takes it.
    Please use the Buy Now link.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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