Been really lucky with this account so far so passing that forward and the luck can continue with you . I made a new gmail account and linked that to the nintendo account. Nothing else is linked to the nintendo account so you will be good to go. Selling because I haven’t played much this month and would like the money to put towards rent. Account level 111. Facility level 772 Facilities: I’m missing the halloween light facility. The wind facility is level 27. All the rest of the facilities including the newest dark one are maxed. Dojos are all at least level 16/16 (some are 17, 18, 19, 20). Flame alters are 30/30, the rest of the alters are level 25 or higher. The account has all limited 5 star adventures except Halloween Elisanne Natural 5* Adventures: Naveed, Mikoto, Valentine Hildegarde, Xander, Dragonyule Cleo, Lily, Hawk, Louise, Maribelle, Albert, Lucretia, Hildegarde, Ieyasu, Nefaria, and Heinwald. 4* adventures: have a lot of the good ones, I think one of the only good 4* ones I’m missing is thaniel. You can see from screenshots. Fritz is the only 4* I promoted to 5* because I got so many 5* adventures. I have 5* elemental weapons, the 5T3 for Mikoto, Albert, and Ieyasu. Natural 5* dragons: Cerbus 1UB, Leviathan, Poseidon, Garudo, Zephyr, Jeanne d’Arc, Marishiten MUB, & Nidhogg. 4* dragons that are Max unbound are Phoenix and Lindworm. With new void battles should be easy enough to max the rest. There’s 7053 Wyrmrite & 328 gold diamonds, as well as 21 single summon tickets so you should have a bit to pull for the gala that is starting about now. You can see the screenshot to see where the adventures are with mana circles. Ieyasu is the one I was trying to max, so his are 50 mana circles, he has max unbound Marishiten, 5* weapon is unbound once, and he has a level 100 fully unbound Heralds of Hinomoto print. Lots of 5* prints including Heralds of Hinomoto, Hitting the books, astounding trick, gale of beauty, luca’s prank, dragon brethren, crystalian envoy, levin’s champion, valiant crown. Account does not have the high dragon prints. Both Mikoto and Valentines Hildegarde are HMS ready though, just need the print and you can do it. Hildegarde has the 4* elemental staff max unbound and max unbound phoenix. A couple of the welcome type of packs are still available. There’s one available for the 5* ticket pack and the $19.99 weapon upgrade pack is available too.