One of the best lancers currently on server. Type (Founder) Race: Elin Weapons: PVE: +12 Masterwork Tower of Evidence. PVP +9 Titanic Clash (Fraywind) Bodys: PVE +12 Masterwork Scriven Mail. PVP +9 Fraywind chest Hands: +9 Fraywind Feet: +9 Fraywind Rings: Conquer ring with crit dmg. Shariar setting with crit dmg Earrings. BG earring with Stun resist and poison resist, other is Stun duration and HP restore Rep in Nexus is revered, Shariar is Revered, Pathfinder is Revered, Kanstria is Trusted. Jax trust Revered, Unified Theory is Revered. Crystals: all the best pvp and pve crystals. 4x Power zyrks Glyphs. All the best Sg/ToT glyphs. Costumes: Lady in red, Glitzy mask, pink swimsuit, red velvet crown. Gold:20000 Not looking for a specific price, PM offers to my skype @justin.breen7 The gold is up to 40k now. The gold on the account is up to 60k Now has 80k gold on it. Now has permanent Top Rank 8 in arena current offer is 250 Now has Conjunct Body +12 Still for sale?I've added you via skype.