Very important! Nickname change was not used) Maine titan (1578) and hunt (1576), there are all exotic items. A lot of good guns with top perks of eyaslun and others) Received all guns from raids, including the last one. The titan is assembled under a void build, everything is clapping with a crazy heal) Pumped out stasis on hunt. The warlock was used as a plug for the farm light. If desired, you can easily and quickly assemble the warlock. There is also 1200 silver for your cookies) Farmed sparrow for 240 trophies. Received a couple of medals, so there is something to do. The account also has a lot of games, including: Hunt: Showdown with almost all purchased DLS with skins. Dying light 2 ultimate edition Doom collection Sea of Thieves TeSo and many others (so don't get bored) Before you buy an account, be sure to contact me DISCORD NY#9838