Legendary Heroes Maxed Expertise: 1. Julius Caesar 2. Constantine 3. YSG 4. CaoCao 5. Richard 6. Minamoto 7. Charles Martel 8. Saladin 9. Genghis Khan 10. Alexander the Great 11. Aetheflaed 12. Edward 13. Mehmed II 14. Attila 15. Takeda Shingen 16. Cleopatra 17. Hannical Barca 18. El Cid Equipment List: 1. Trial of the Lost Kingdom(1x) 2. Abyssal Visage (2x) 3. Iset's Sufferance (3x) 4. Windswept Bracers (3x) 5. Windswept Boots (2x) 6. Staff of the Lost (1x) 7. Commander's Heavy Armor (2x) 8. Saint's Song (1x) 9. Vanguard Halberd (3x) 10. Vanguard Greaves (4x) 11. Infantry Breeastplate (1x) 12. Edged Boots (3x) 13. Sharp Longsword (1x) 14. Cloth Gloves (1x) 15. Sturdy Boots (1x) Other Stuffs: 1. 146M Power 2. VIP 17 3. 9M Total of T5 troops 4. Many RSS,Spped Ups, and Chests 5. 12 # If you are serious buyer please do contact me at the following: Whatsapp: +639393286353 Discord: LukaMania#7205