Sold 141 Legends, 11.08M PP 1Key UMN/NM, 30 Sacred Shard

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by Natsumuch, 10/23/24.

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  1. Natsumuch

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    I am selling my account.
    The game got too heavy and I lost interest in the game as well.

    There is no FB or Apple link. I can change the email to any other you want.

    141 legends. All the strong ones are fully booked.

    105 ancient fragments
    8 void fragments
    6 primal fragments
    32 sacred fragments.

    All dungeons are normal in a timely manner.

    I haven't done any hard dungeons, I just didn't care enough to complete them.

    Hard DT, I think I've completed two.

    All faction war finished.

    CB UNM NM BRUTAL 1 key. Wixwell or Invincible team. Just go into teams and choose what you want and click start.

    Arena Gold 5, I didn't care to advance to Platinum. I have the team though, if I need to advance.

    Normal Hydra 160mil-400mill.
    Hard Hydra 20-40mill.

    discord: wraithfows
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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