Hi, guys! After years of fun in Archeage, for me is about time to retire . It's been few months I'm not playing anymore cause I moved somewhere else. I had enaugh of it and decided to quit, so here I am trying to sell it. I made a few screenshots of the current gear and inventory to give you an idea of it, for more questions/screenshots/details, whatever feel free to PM me. Here the screenshots and some important details: The character's level is ancestral 38, 65% to 39 Skillsets are all to 55 except for swiftblade The account also has a character on NA with maxed mining and construction, it has no gear, has been made for gold/apex/taxes farming purposes The good mounts you see such as Kirin, Crimson lightning, ecc. have armor with lunafrosts and some move speed lunagems, The pet kindled spirit is wearing the autoloot powerstone and the max healt +1500 About gliders, sloth is enchanced to grand tier and the eagle to rare with flight speed rolled on it Discord: triplesix#5207 Price: 230 € Payment method: PayPal Friends and Family only
Hi, is this account still for sale? If it is, I would want the email address and PW and proof it is your account. I have been scammed before, so just being careful.
I'm still waiting for some contact from you, it's been 48 hours since I inquired about this account. Is it still for sale?
Not interested anymore, just remembered that Paypal Family and Friends offers NO protection, so if you get scammed, you won't get any money back.