For buying contact me on discord : Greevy#7330 to check account availability 116 Legendary + last fusion Lego - Ramantu, Duchess Lilitu [5 star awaken], Lyssandra +1, Belanor + Zavia x3, Mithrala, Leorius, Inithwe, Tomblord, Lydia, Blind seer, Cybelle, Ukko, Helicath, Rae x2, Maulie, Bivald, Geomancer [6 star awaken] Trunda , Khoronar + Minaya, Sir Nicholas, Bad-el-Kazar, Brogni, Kyoku, Valkyrie, Ma'Shalled, etc.) Arbiter speed 377 [5 star awaken with boots fully ascended + speed] Good gear & well built characters - Ramantu 667 acc with stoneskin; Leo 6K atk 250 c.dmg; Lydia 268 spd 432 res 418 acc. 7 characters ready to be summoned and fusioned for CvC Great Hall maxed - 240 1 key CB UNM/NM 1 key preset teams Hydra 1/2/3 Platinum Arena at he moment Doom Tower - All Done Fast times all Dungeons Faction War - Done 3 referrals active PRICE : 100$