18 Shundo: Jangmo-o, Garchomp, Phantump, 3x Metagross (+SP move), Goodra (+SP move) ,2x Goomy, 2 Typhlosion(+ SP move), Swampert, 2x Tsareena (+SP move), 2x Bounsweet, Incineroar, Blissey. 21 Shiny Legendaries Rayquaza (+ SP Move & 3 Attack), Necrozma, Shadow Mewtwo, Groudon (+SP Move), Kyogre, Registeel, Shadow Ho-Oh, 2x Shadow Raikou, 2x Tapu Fini, Tapu Lele, Tapu Koko, 3x Azelf, 3x Mesprit, 2x Uxie 6 Hundo Legendary LV 50 Rayquaza (3 Attack + SP Move), 2x Azelf, 2x Mesprit, Uxie 107 Hundo 302 Shiny 157 Legendary 136 Special Moves + Roar of time Dialga + Galarian Articuno + Master Ball + 137 Premium Battle Pass And more Write to me for more details, also got a discord: xkhassoukx#9641 Response Time Fast when awake, if sleeping (8 hours max).