Sold 13.2M PP 151 Legos Yumeko Kaymer Lilya Rotos

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by DZWS, 2/23/24.

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  1. DZWS

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    My Location:
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    I can be found on discord for account questions and negotiations.
    My discord: dzws22
    Price: 170$

    An account with fast dungeon farming and a great hero pool
    Good hero pool: Yumeko, 2 Chimers, Lilithu, 2 Krisks, 2 Tormins, 2 Staltuses, 2 Rotos, 2 Kondraphons, Autumn Elva, Michinaki, ready 2k1 ankill and many more! Mithral and Ramantu received!
    Screenshots of heroes and resources will be attached below in the description!
    Ask any questions! FB is not tied, the mail is changeable!
    A large number of resources for the forge!
    PvE: all 25 floors farm fast! 10 hard spider - 30sec. 10 Hard dragon has not yet passed, but all the heroes are (through the staltus quickly) + there is a rat and an elva for feeding on 10 hard. The tower farms quickly and easily. Alname farms 25. Hydra 1-3 every cd, but the heroes are not all dressed, I didn’t try the fourth one.
    Clanboss every day 3-6.
    #1 DZWS, 2/23/24
    Last edited: 2/24/24
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