Sold 12k gems, 940+ mil coins, 93 champion 100/ 49 Bersk/ 159 KM, level 6 Epic, Max Rare, Pl read details

Discussion in 'Golf Clash Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Max monin, 9/20/21.

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  1. Max monin

    Max monin
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    My Location:
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    if you are in Raleigh area, you are welcome to meet me and check in-person.

    Gems: 12k and adding more every day
    Coins: over 940 mil and growing (I can play and add more coins)
    All Rare/common at max. So everyday I only get EPIC cards in trade-in.
    All epic at level 6 (except Apoc 85/100, Cat: 82/100, Tsunami: 84/100, falcon: 45/100). Because Rare/common at max, these club would be at level 6 soon via daily trade-in.

    * I did not open Tour 11/12 yet, tour 8/9/10 have max trophies. As soon as Apoc reaches 6, I will open T11.

    Balls: * Please note that premium/money balls could be increase/decrease as I would be using them in on-going tournaments. I do not use them in 1-1 games.
    Champion 100/Centurion: 93 (earned 25 balls per season when my clan reaches C100 or remain in top 55 in C100)
    Berserker: 49
    KM: 159
    Titan+Katana: 200+
    various money/premium balls: 60+

    Id is secured only by email/GB. Both of these created and used for only for this golf clash id. I will transfer these accounts to buyer.

    Account is 3.5 years old, spent well over $600 for buying gems/golden shot and ball packs. It takes years to bring Epic at level 6.
    #1 Max monin, 9/20/21
    Last edited: 9/20/21
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