Selling  129Lv Beta account 88 gods, 70skins + Hand of the gods game progress

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Bresian, 1/31/18.

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  1. Bresian

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    My Location:
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    Im selling my Beta Smite account because I dont play the game anymore. Its my private account so you dont need to worry about revert-type of scams.
    It has the Beta tester icon + Season 1 ranked icons
    The account also has:
    88 gods
    129 LV
    13 vp
    62 skins
    5 wards
    42 icons
    3 loading frames
    1 recall skins
    15-20 boosters of each type
    There are some pretty neat exclusive skins that you cannot obtain anymore.

    These are the skins and VPs :
    agni; + vp
    amc; killer bee, solid hornet + vp
    anhur; olimpian, shadow
    anubis; stargazer + vp
    aokuang; + vp
    aphrodite; + vp
    apollo; slickshot, curse voice, diamond + vp
    arachne; toxic caress
    athena; high councelor, liberte
    awilix; renegade
    bakasura; ravenous, rage
    chaac; hailstorm, slaughterhouse
    daji; vixen
    fenrir; frostfang + vp
    geb; mouten fury, G.E.B 1
    hades; classic
    hel; soltice
    hercules; grand slam,legendary, retrocles + vp
    hun batz; space monkey
    isis; shadow
    janus; jandroid + vp
    khepri; shadow
    khumbakarna; pajama party
    kuzenbo; honorground
    loki; sslither, legendary
    neith; mischievous, world weaver
    nuwa; amethist, old wa
    odin; the hunntsman
    osiris; the re-animated
    ra; solar eclipse, alienware, ramerica + vp
    rama; orbital strike
    ratatorskr; flurry
    serqet; + vp
    sobek; death dealer
    sun wukong; silver sage, heavenly warlord
    sylvanus; permafrost
    thanatos; soul harvester
    thor; heavy metal, righteous hammer
    tyr; + vp
    ullr; berserker
    vamana; lil mana, rakshasa
    xbalanque; jungle beast
    xin tian; iron tyrant
    ymir; obsidian shard, cacodemon
    zeus; almighty, xbox
    zhong kui; + vp
    Some screenshots:
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    Screenshot by Lightshot
    You can contact me here or at [email protected] to discuss the transaction method
    #1 Bresian, 1/31/18
    Last edited: 1/31/18
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