Sold 125 OVR with 4 PRIME Icons, 330 million coins, 22k gems, 8400 icon points, 70k League...

Discussion in 'FIFA Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/Dizzaster86, 8/1/19.

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  1. /u/Dizzaster86

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    Hi.125/120 OVR team for sale. Includes 4 Icons. (Started to work yesterday on the Prime Gullit, so let's see).-Other players in reserve: Salah(100), 3x Casemiro (100), Fabian (97 TotM), Praet (96 Scouting), Donnaruma (TotW),...-330 million of coins-22 000 gems-70 000 league points (can be exchanged for example for the 11 600 000 coins)-8400 icon points (was waiting for some PRIME Icon offer for the points, but nothing appeared) (can be exchanged for 1700 daily tokens and those for the 7 Icons pack. In August, the 10 new icons will be released).-2900 scouting points...

    here is the photo

    I am from Slovakia, It is my main FM account linked to my main FB account, but it can be easily transferred to your FB account.Not sure about how much to ask for it. Would accept 300$ immediately, if not many offers, than also 250$ would convince me.Feel free to ask anything.Can provide copy of my ID card, or anything you will need for the security :).

    # #/Dizzaster86
    # .
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