Sold 125 Bard raid geared max aa, 4/4 slayer, artisans prize +a lot more

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by Azriel3968, 1/25/25.

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  1. Azriel3968

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    Selling 125 bard/125 shaman account - $350

    Bard (125 Bard)


    Bard is aa maxed, 4/4 slayer, LS raid weapons,
    Has artisan prize (not max), rallos ear, nos cloak, ls neck, tob ring

    Master achievement of every expansion, including tob, aureate bane rank 6.

    44-52 slot bags, tons of illusions, has epics and most useful clickable items
    Tons of weapon and armor ornamentation sets
    all useful proc brd useable weapons, including a 2h useable with ae proc

    Over 50k...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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