Sold 122K Value Package: Crimson Catseye, Peanut Butter Hair, and Golden Shiny Teeth (PAYPAL)

Discussion in 'Roblox Limiteds for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Limited' started by cvsdemo, 9/8/20.

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  1. cvsdemo

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    My Location:
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    Make Offer

    Roblox Premium Account and One Small Limited (That Will Be lost During The Trade)


    (1) You can add me on discord (Aries#6408) Please do NOT try and talk down the price I'm not likely to change my price.

    (2) Once you have added me on discord reply to this thread with your discord username. (I have a lot of requests)

    (3) Once I accept your request I'll send you the Roblox Account name and my Paypal information and wait for payment

    (4) Once I receive payment, I'll ask you to give me the username of your Roblox Premium account.

    (5) From there I'll send a trade with Crimson Catseye, Peanut Butter Hair, and Golden Shiny Teeth in exchange for the smallest limited on your account.

    (6) Then you will have to go to the trade and accept it.


    I understand that I have no reputation on this forum because I just created this account today for the sole reason to sell these items. If you are suspicious and scared to purchase these items please do NOT bother adding my discord. I am not willing to go through middleman services for two reasons: The Fees & It makes things complicated. If you add me on discord and then ask to go through a middleman and offer to pay the fee I won't even bother to respond to you. This is the internet I understand its full of liars and scammers; however, you can either trust me or don't it is up to you.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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