Sold 12 Year old account for the next PM-mer

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by hddndntttw, 5/21/23.

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  1. hddndntttw

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    Get my wg 12 year old wg account for free by sending a message in a given time, or buy it from me, jumping the queue, for around 10 dollar, depending on when we agree, if you are in time for that!

    Hi, i have an account -original owner-, turning 12 during this summer. I played with it for a while, then realised it is on NA server, but i needed the EU for ping&proxy. Also WOWS came out, what i found more interesting, so i sticked with that. Grinded that all (got everithing what possible at some point), got it to hate it because of the grind. But i kept the NA WG account around, because i had some progress in it (more WOT than on the EU account ever), it was good for trying the April Fools, and Haloween stuff. But since i hate the grind, and also tanks are less interesting for me, it is just a reminder of WOWS (what i have sold btw). So i do not want to carry it anymore, and the account-chain of it (attached email e.g.)
    Also i see the accounts what go for this price, so unless you really need for this one, we can have some exitement here!

    So free or for money?

    I just want to get rid of it at this point, but also want to have a chance for potential benefits, plus lets gamify so:

    If you would like to get it for free -and up until that point no one bought it from me (see second option later)-,
    you have to send a private message, in a particular time, in time so that message's notification email should arrive the closest possible time to 13th of june, 00:00:00UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) into my email account. When you send a message here, that triggers the servers for notification, so it sends an email. That is the mail what counts, that has to arrive (through the interwebs, servers, distance, other factors), closest to the time mentioned above.
    If one mail arrives 12th of June. 23:59:59, an other 13th of june, 00:00:01, the earlier will take it (same distance, earlier wins).
    If i recive a mail at 01:00:00 on the 13th, and the last messsage arrevied before has areived on the 9th, what arrived on the 13th will take it (closest wins). But overall 13th of june, 00:00:00 UTC arrival time takes it all..
    Latest possible post-timepoint arrival time is 14th of june, 23:59:59UTC, any later time is disqualified (I do not want to sit on it for an other week, just because someone, the actually closest one, sent the latest message a week before), meaning if someone sent a message two days before the time, maybe need to wait two days after it, if no one send one in between, but no really longer).
    Arrival time is based on the email-sounce's -visible in outlook- (timely)latest mentioned time, and its smallest unit is a second. If 2 or more arrives in the same second as closest, the displayed order counts. From the lucky one's- and it's sourrandings- i will record a video, just in case someone gets really mad..., but it will be edited if someone really wants it as evidence.
    Any PM qualifies, per individual messenger any closest-to-the-point will count, no matter what kind of a message is that: You can send travel-time-checking messages (pls defenetly mention it, if that is that, and do not go spammy (- + - [i have to mention: you will not have better chances if you send 5 messages every day! Send 1-2 overall, at around 00:00:00 UTC, 1-2 week before, so you have some idea about the server-loads/delays/pings around that time]   ) -), and i will reply back with the time i see as arrival time, as soon as i saw it arrived. [sync your clocks, and note your sending seconds, to have base to compare to!
    Even if you are just asking about the second option(detailed below), you are in for the first too.
    If someone buys it before, a notification post will be posted, so if you preping, follow the thread!!

    If you see value in it, i want to end up no more than 10 dollar/euro for it (exact dily value based on my currency's actual ratio, time when we agree, and if you want middleman or any kind of protection, that is above this, and it is on you) [ + - [if you just won the lottery or you are Mr.Beast, feel free to attach 1-3 more zeros after those numbers (no point, no comma)]   ] you can jump ahead, and take it, but this has a twist too:
    -If we can agree before the end of 6th of july(utc) [with everything counted in: hi-hello-s, time zone delays, payment method discuss, final transaction-prep], you will get it 8-9-ish dollar/euro. ( + - Cities skylines: ariports dlc, on my local currency on epic, where locally epic's gift and wallet function is not supported... meh... [i know it is goind for the 15th... but i want to have puffer for this])   )
    -If we agree after the end of 6th, [counting with the same things above] the price is fix 9.95 dollar ( + - (A "ransomed" -forgotten then deactivated...- account unlock price somewhere)   ).
    -Last possible money-based agreement time is 11th of june, 23:59:59 (again: UTC), any later payment-option-related message disqualifies as part of a money offer -even if we are almost there-, and from that point only the free, first option plays for everyone, even if you are validly offering 100 dollar at or after that point... i want to keep my word... that worth that much, i guess..., and i want to avoid of double promises.

    If i get no messages at all, i will delete the accounts: bye WG, finally, no matters what!

    When i get the first message, or i agree on for money, or i get/check messages within the last 2-4 days (because of the +/-2days waiting issue) , i will update the whole thread publicly with comments, reasonably asap.
    If i get two offers in private, none will know about the other, until one already finished the payment, and recived the account-pack.
    I will also UP the tread as frequent as reasonable: message-check means up, up does not means message.
    NOTE: this exact offer rus on 2 sites, but there is only one account! Payment method should be discussed before agreement, what takes time, keep in mind!

    Technicly what will be provided:

    -Wg-account-attached, independenty existing mail account's login credentials, including totp seed (prep for reciving that).(i will need an email adress, that is a provider's "security thing", we will find out) Fixing it is my priority!
    -WG account's login credentials
    -longer term technical help, is something goes wrong.

    The WG account mainly provides it's age as main value, and benefits of that from WGs internal account bonuses what came with it, some premiums, minimal progress, minimal gold (400 ish), i bet some days of premium as soon as you log in in game, because of the last 1-2 years of the age bonus is not claimed, and similar kind of claimable bonuses.

    If something not clear, feel free to ask:
    If you do it publicly (comment), you technicly not qualify, so you can avoid getting it if you really do not want it.
    If you do it as a PM during the duration, you are getting the chance! (no one stops you to do both!!!)

    Links to help to get the right times, timeframes, timezones, etc locally for you (sync device time before anything) Copy them:
    Add your own city/capital/county, to see when UTC turns exactly:,4164138,5879400&h=100&hf=0

    13th utc 00 countdown (later goes over to minus time, DO NOT SEND AT 00, you will be late already, send before, so test before!!!)

    time left to Max waiting time

    For money option ending:

    For price increase:
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    18 seen it, 0 pm.... Still on the road for deletion...:sob:
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    Still no PM :(
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    All i need is one PM, right now :rolleyes:
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    t-50h before price change
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    Around last ~14h for money: Title change, because i doubt someone wil jump now..., but that is still a possible outcome!

    Within last 40 h for coundown to THE POINT...

    Around 85h left overall.

    Miniupdate about deletion: i will try one more site if not goes on the ruleset.
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    Expected fun, recived nothing. over the limit, fastest will take it!
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    All time is up. Account unclaimed!
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