I have some Animal Jam accounts for sale. You are allowed to choose the username (proving that it is valid). They will come with a 3-month membership and enough Play Wild Sapphires to buy another 9 months, making a total of 12 months of membership. You will also receive 10 diamonds on the account. I'm pricing these at $50, and I take only PayPal. To purchase, please message me here or on Instagram. (@seller.ajj) with the following information: Parent Dashboard Email that you want the account to be on and the username you would like the account to have. (PLEASE make sure the username is valid before telling me what it is for the sake of convenience) I'll create the account within 1-3 days and send you the account information, after you pay. I'm selling approximately 3-4 of these accounts; depends. Please reply or contact me on the listed methods if you are interested.