Sold 12 Legendary Max/Paid Skins/Title Champion

Discussion in 'Brave Nine Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Meniru, 2/8/22.

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  1. Meniru

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    I sell my account Global Server. Contact me via discord or here.

    Discord: Ako#8606

    Price: 300€

    Legendary List:

    -Valzé +15
    -Alec +15
    -Mamonir +15
    -Ledakrad +15
    -Granhildr +15
    -Velfern +15
    -Asmode +15
    -Refithea +15
    -Susayra +15
    -Levia +15
    -Lucius +15
    -Galania +15
    -Seto +13 (Companion 5)
    -Silion +12 (Companion 3)
    -Slain +14 (Companion 4)
    -Celia +5 (Companion 1)
    -Angelica +1 (Companion 1)

    And a lot of 5* max..

    The title of Champion, acquired by being 1st in the arena ranking.

    for more...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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