Continue reading in the second post... On PlayerUp is not possible edit the first message. As this game has frequent updates that can make change the strategies has been needed publish a second post, which I can edit always I want, to update the strategies.
I'm selling the tickets accounts that I'm using for my Hoard accounts systems and which are starting to get level 85. Are interesting accounts for if you want try some teams in Squad Arena and Fleet Arena, you will have enough resources hoarded to build several teams. Check the screenshots below about the hoarded resources. The price of these accounts is 40 USD. Is much more cheaper than buy the Hyperdrive Bundle, which is 100 USD, by only 40 USD you can start to use a level 85 account, start to play Grand Arena Championship, Territory Battles and Territory Wars from the beginning. All my accounts have at least one 7 stars character, so you can participate in Heroic raids from the beginning. All these accounts are in an old Squad Arena and Fleet Arena servers, the players in the top already have Galactic Legends teams in Squad Arena and Negotiator or Grievous teams in Fleet Arena. If you build a Rebel Fleet you can get Rank 1 anyway. I did the same with my current main account, I started to improve an abandoned tickets account and I converted it to my main account and currently I can get Rank 1 everyday in my Fleet Arena, which helps me to improve my Grand Arena Championship and Squad Arena teams, I started at only 300k Galactic Power and now I have more than 2 million GP. The only bad thing is that with my Jedi Knight Revan team I only can get the ranks between 100 and 200, which is 75 crystals per day, but with the Fleet Arena is another 400 crystals, so 475 crystals per day as total, and with the other daily rewards is around 600 per day, so is enough for a fast progress. You can get the same if you work to get a good Rebel Fleet, with the Han's Millennium Falcon, Biggs, Hound's Tooth, Phantom, Ghost, Cassian and Bistan is enough to get Rank 1 everyday. I have around 20 accounts that soon will be level 85. I will publish in this post always my best current tickets account. When is sold I will publish the next best account, updating the screenshots, resources and strategies. View attachment 854482 The account of the screenshots is my current best tickets account, is an account that started to play the Squad Arena with Phoenix, but later the account got abandoned. The account is level 82, but after spend the hoarded Mod Energy (10k) and Fleet Energy (3k) will be level 83. From level 83 to 85 is 40k experience, you can get 2k per day, so would be needed play during 20 days to get level 85. During these last days before get level 85, you can start to improve the account for when you are level 85 be ready for the arenas and the Grand Arena, to have some teams ready for it, as currently would not be very fun until you get some teams with enough levels, stars, gears and mods. You will be able to unlock Grand Master Yoda in few days, during the first week, and 7 stars Yoda with only 2 weeks. For the Yoda evҽnt is needed 5 Jedis. The account already has 3 stars Ezra, 2 stars Kanan and 5 stars Windu. The account has 88.900 Cantina Store currency hoarded. Probably the best strategy there is farm Ahsoka, Qui-Gon Jinn and Chopper at same time. To get a character to 7 stars is 330 shards, which is 66 purchases, 26.400 currency and 16 days to get 7 stars buying shards in every one of the 4 daily store refreshes, so Ahsoka, QGJ and Chopper will be 7 stars at same time with only 2 weeks and 2 days. In the Squad Arena Store the account has 36.700 currency hoarded, so you can easily finish Kanan and Windu to 7 stars in few days, so with Ezra, Kanan, Windu, Ahsoka and Qui-Gon Jinn you will have 7 stars Grand Master Yoda with only 2 weeks and 2 days. Buying Ezra shards also in the Fleet Store and Guild Evҽnts Store should be enough to finish him at same time than the rest of Jedis. Instead of Ezra another option is Jedi Consular, as already is 4 stars and 41/65 to 5 stars, only is needed 209 shards. Is a characters available in the Cantina Battles, has 3 Hard Nodes and also appears in the Fleet Store, but is not very useful character, so probably the best is farm Ezra as priority. Rest of Squad Arena currency can be spent to promote Ackbar to 7 stars, to improve the Rebel capital ship, and then to IG-88 which will be needed for OT Chewbacca, after it maybe Stormtrooper Han and Leia to get Commander Luke Skywalker, or also Cassian to start to use the Cassian ship as soon as possible, is a good option if you spend the Cantina Store currency on it, you can choose farm the Cassian ship as first priority when you finish to farm Ahsoka, QGJ and Chopper, by this way, while you farm Cassian, Jyn and K-2SO, you will have ready the ship. Boba Feet is another good farming in the Cantina Store, so Cassian could be the second priority. The account has Darth Traya at 43/145, General Kenobi at 17/145 and Han Solo at 12/145. If you focus to farm Bastila, Jolee, Zaalbar and T3-M4 you can get Jedi Knight Revan in around 2 months and start to improve your Squad Arena rank, with JKR you can get the TOP 100, if you maximize them also you can get the TOP 20. The account has 28 million Normal Credits and 25 million Fleet Credits and a lot of training droids to train all needed characters. It will help you to maximize you main Squad Arena and Fleet Arena teams. Also has 5.000 Guild Evҽnts Store currency, which can help to farm some characters, ships or gears faster. This account has 24.400 Guild Store currency hoarded. It will help to farm some gears faster, like Carbanti, Stun Cuff, Scanners, Furnaces, Droid Callers, Detonators, Nubian Design and others, and to farm some interesting characters, like Dengar (for OT Chewbacca), Jyn (for the Cassian ship) or Old Ben (for the Jedi team if you want use him as tank), for example. The currency in the Shards Store is at 31.500. If you convert all of them to General Grievous shards would be 140 shards, so you can get 5 stars General Grievous very fast (also appears in the Fleet Store), if you want build a Droid team is an option, you can farm B2 and IG-100 in the Guild Store and then Droideka in the Cad Bane ship (Xanadu) battle, Cad Bane is a good Bounty Hunter option to get OT Chewbacca and his ship is needed for the Han's Millennium Falcon, so you get 2 interesting things at same time. B1 is farmable in the Fleet Hard Battles, maybe you need some time to be able to complete that battle, meanwhile you can use Chopper, IG-88, K-2SO or HK-47 as other droid options. Another option is use the Shards Store to farm Stun Guns, usually I buy Stun Guns always I see them on that store. Every 186 currency is 6 Stun Guns, so with the current currecy you can purchase them 170 times, which is 1.020 Stun Guns, so you have enough currency to farm at same time other needed gears, like Holoprojectors Mk3, Stun Cuffs, Scanners, Furnaces, Droid Callers, Detonators, Nubian Design and others, or also use them to buy Gear 12 pieces. The account has 15 zetas, 8 omegas and 171 purple mats, so soon, buying zetas in the Fleet Store, you can put the first zeta to the Bastila leader ability, if you want build a Jedi team, and the second to the Yoda unique ability, you can buy 4 zetas per day, so only delays 5 days to get 20. The biggest amount of hoarded currency is the Fleet Store Currency, is at 252.900, so you can use it to farm a lot of zetas, but probably you don't need more than 2 at the beginning, so also you can buy omegas there, is enough currency to buy 126 zetas or 169 omegas. It means that at same time that you buy zetas and omegas also you can buy blueprints to build your Rebel fleet, every 400 currency is 4 blueprints, so is enough currency to get 2.500 blueprints, which means get 8 ships to 7 stars, so I would recommend at same time farm Biggs, Phantom, Ghost, Boba, Vader, Bistan and Ahsoka ships, plus the Bistan and Scarif RP characters. Your Fleet Arena rank will be improved very fast thanks to this currency. The account has 10.075 Mod Energy hoarded, so you will be able to get good mods thanks to it, enough energy to get 630 mods. Also has 3.000 Fleet Energy hoarded, where you can start to get some interesting ships, like the Anakin ship, and, specially, farm the characters needed for Jedi Knight Revan, like Bastila, Jolee and Zaalbar. The account has 34.200 sim tickets, so will not be a problem simulate all this energy. Finally, the account has 661k Ally points, with which you will get a lot of extra characters, shards and gears. You can make a macro with some Android emulator and let the macro do all the job during like 20 minutes to spend all this currency. If you want check which things you can farm with all these hoarded currencies, I recommend check the following website, where you can see which characters, ships and resources are available in every store: In conclusion, my Level 85 Hoarded accounts are very nice for people who want enjoy the game without spend a lot of money, spending this 40 USD will be enough to save 4 months to get level 85 if you start an account from the beginning, will not be needed spend more money, your Grand Arena Championship will be very fun, because you will have a lot of resources to improve your roster faster than your enemies with the same Galactic Power, with few months, like 2 or 3 months, you will be able to get the top in the arenas, like a rank between 100 and 200 in Squad Arena and TOP 20 in Fleet Arena, in few extra time you will improve your fleet and if you maximize your Han's Millennium Falcon, the Hound's Tooth, Biggs, Phantom, Bistan and Cassian ships, plus the characters of every ship, specially Han, Chewbacca, Biggs and Bossk, you will be ready to get Rank 1 and 400 Crystals everyday. Also it could be a good learning account and, when you feel you are ready, because you learned enough, you can buy a Hoard account and dominate the arenas from first day, getting rank 1 everyday. I have Hoard accounts for sale with 5 stars Traya, 5 stars General Kenobi and 5 stars Han Solo, plus 4 o 5 stars Dengar, Barriss and Sun Fac from the Guild Store, with a lot of gears hoarded from raids, by only 56 USD. I have Hoard accounts with 2-Rounds, so with 7 stars Traya, GK and Han and 2 times more resources by only 112 USD. You can check it here:
Features ► You can change the time zone on game settings once you join in the arena, to make coincide the arena time and payouts at best moment for you, there is 2 time zone changes available per year. The current best account for sale, that appears in the screenshots, has 1 time zone change available and will be reset and you will have 2 more in 5 months. ► All accounts are playable on Android and iOS devices. You can have it linked to Google Play (Android), Game Center (iOS) or both at same time. Payment methods ● PlayerUp Middleman: Is a good system if you want the best protection granted, consist that first the buyer sends the money to Middleman and Middleman keeps the money until the buyer confirms that received the account. This system prҽvents the scams, the seller never will receive the money until you confirm you have the control of the account. After the payment, a Middleman agent will create a 3-way conversation in next 24-72 hours. Once created, I will provide you all the instructions to link the account to your Android or iOS device. Once you confirm you linked the account to your device, you must change the conversation prefix to "Seller - Confirms Delivery", by this way the Middleman agent will start the cashout to send the money to me, the seller. If you prefer this method, press on the "Buy now" button that appears at the beginning of the thread or in the following button: Link: Middleman has a lot of payment methods, like PayPal (as product with buyer protection), Skrill, TransferWise, Visa, Mastercard, WebMoney, Gift Cards, Google Pay and others, to check the complete list »»click here««. ● PayPal (Bank card or PayPal funds): This system includes 180 days buyer protection, so is as safe than the Middleman system. ● Skrill (Bank card or Skrill funds). ● Bank transfer: I have bank account on Europe, which is a SEPA transfer, on N26 (Germany) and Caixabank (Spain) entities. ● TransferWise (Bank card or TransferWise funds). ● MoneyGram / Western Union (Cash). Contact You can check below my contact data to chat with me and talk about it, you can talk with me by Discord, WhatsApp, Facebook., Line, Telegram, Skype, Twitter, Instagram. or mail, I share all my social media so this demonstrates that I'm a trust person with a real service and a safe payment system. I'm using all chat platforms and I will answer instantly. I'm from Spain, I talk Spanish and English. ● Discord: Quim#3389 ● WhatsApp: +34 684 21 75 56 ● Facebook.: ● Telegram: ● Line: QUIMLC ● Skype (QUIMLC): ● Twitter: ● Instagram.: ● Mail: [email protected]
I'm selling the tickets accounts that I'm using for my Hoard accounts systems and which are starting to get level 85. Are interesting accounts for if you want try some teams in Squad Arena and Fleet Arena, you will have enough resources hoarded to build several teams. Check the screenshots below about the hoarded resources. The price of these accounts is 40 USD. Is much more cheaper than buy the Hyperdrive Bundle, which is 100 USD, by only 40 USD you can start to use a level 85 account, start to play Grand Arena Championship, Territory Battles and Territory Wars from the beginning. All my accounts have at least one 7 stars character, so you can participate in Heroic raids from the beginning. All these accounts are in an old Squad Arena and Fleet Arena servers, the players in the top already have Galactic Legends teams in Squad Arena and Negotiator or Grievous teams in Fleet Arena. If you build a Rebel Fleet you can get Rank 1 anyway. I did the same with my current main account, I started to improve an abandoned tickets account and I converted it to my main account and currently I can get Rank 1 everyday in my Fleet Arena, which helps me to improve my Grand Arena Championship and Squad Arena teams, I started at only 300k Galactic Power and now I have more than 2 million GP. The only bad thing is that with my Jedi Knight Revan team I only can get the ranks between 100 and 200, which is 75 crystals per day, but with the Fleet Arena is another 400 crystals, so 475 crystals per day as total, and with the other daily rewards is around 600 per day, so is enough for a fast progress. You can get the same if you work to get a good Rebel Fleet, with the Han's Millennium Falcon, Biggs, Hound's Tooth, Phantom, Ghost, Cassian and Bistan is enough to get Rank 1 everyday. I have around 20 accounts that soon will be level 85. I will publish in this post always my best current tickets account. When is sold I will publish the next best account, updating the screenshots, resources and strategies. View attachment 854482 The account of the screenshots is my current best tickets account, is an account that started to play the Squad Arena with Phoenix, but later the account got abandoned. The account is level 82, but after spend the hoarded Mod Energy (10k) and Fleet Energy (3k) will be level 83. From level 83 to 85 is 40k experience, you can get 2k per day, so would be needed play during 20 days to get level 85. During these last days before get level 85, you can start to improve the account for when you are level 85 be ready for the arenas and the Grand Arena, to have some teams ready for it, as currently would not be very fun until you get some teams with enough levels, stars, gears and mods. You will be able to unlock Grand Master Yoda in few days, during the first week, and 7 stars Yoda with only 2 weeks. For the Yoda evҽnt is needed 5 Jedis. The account already has 3 stars Ezra, 2 stars Kanan and 5 stars Windu. The account has 88.900 Cantina Store currency hoarded. Probably the best strategy there is farm Ahsoka, Qui-Gon Jinn and Chopper at same time. To get a character to 7 stars is 330 shards, which is 66 purchases, 26.400 currency and 16 days to get 7 stars buying shards in every one of the 4 daily store refreshes, so Ahsoka, QGJ and Chopper will be 7 stars at same time with only 2 weeks and 2 days. In the Squad Arena Store the account has 36.700 currency hoarded, so you can easily finish Kanan and Windu to 7 stars in few days, so with Ezra, Kanan, Windu, Ahsoka and Qui-Gon Jinn you will have 7 stars Grand Master Yoda with only 2 weeks and 2 days. Buying Ezra shards also in the Fleet Store and Guild Evҽnts Store should be enough to finish him at same time than the rest of Jedis. Instead of Ezra another option is Jedi Consular, as already is 4 stars and 41/65 to 5 stars, only is needed 209 shards. Is a characters available in the Cantina Battles, has 3 Hard Nodes and also appears in the Fleet Store, but is not very useful character, so probably the best is farm Ezra as priority. Rest of Squad Arena currency can be spent to promote Ackbar to 7 stars, to improve the Rebel capital ship, and then to IG-88 which will be needed for OT Chewbacca, after it maybe Stormtrooper Han and Leia to get Commander Luke Skywalker, or also Cassian to start to use the Cassian ship as soon as possible, is a good option if you spend the Cantina Store currency on it, you can choose farm the Cassian ship as first priority when you finish to farm Ahsoka, QGJ and Chopper, by this way, while you farm Cassian, Jyn and K-2SO, you will have ready the ship. Boba Feet is another good farming in the Cantina Store, so Cassian could be the second priority. The account has Darth Traya at 43/145, General Kenobi at 17/145 and Han Solo at 12/145. If you focus to farm Bastila, Jolee, Zaalbar and T3-M4 you can get Jedi Knight Revan in around 2 months and start to improve your Squad Arena rank, with JKR you can get the TOP 100, if you maximize them also you can get the TOP 20. The account has 28 million Normal Credits and 25 million Fleet Credits and a lot of training droids to train all needed characters. It will help you to maximize you main Squad Arena and Fleet Arena teams. Also has 5.000 Guild Evҽnts Store currency, which can help to farm some characters, ships or gears faster. This account has 24.400 Guild Store currency hoarded. It will help to farm some gears faster, like Carbanti, Stun Cuff, Scanners, Furnaces, Droid Callers, Detonators, Nubian Design and others, and to farm some interesting characters, like Dengar (for OT Chewbacca), Jyn (for the Cassian ship) or Old Ben (for the Jedi team if you want use him as tank), for example. The currency in the Shards Store is at 31.500. If you convert all of them to General Grievous shards would be 140 shards, so you can get 5 stars General Grievous very fast (also appears in the Fleet Store), if you want build a Droid team is an option, you can farm B2 and IG-100 in the Guild Store and then Droideka in the Cad Bane ship (Xanadu) battle, Cad Bane is a good Bounty Hunter option to get OT Chewbacca and his ship is needed for the Han's Millennium Falcon, so you get 2 interesting things at same time. B1 is farmable in the Fleet Hard Battles, maybe you need some time to be able to complete that battle, meanwhile you can use Chopper, IG-88, K-2SO or HK-47 as other droid options. Another option is use the Shards Store to farm Stun Guns, usually I buy Stun Guns always I see them on that store. Every 186 currency is 6 Stun Guns, so with the current currecy you can purchase them 170 times, which is 1.020 Stun Guns, so you have enough currency to farm at same time other needed gears, like Holoprojectors Mk3, Stun Cuffs, Scanners, Furnaces, Droid Callers, Detonators, Nubian Design and others, or also use them to buy Gear 12 pieces. The account has 15 zetas, 8 omegas and 171 purple mats, so soon, buying zetas in the Fleet Store, you can put the first zeta to the Bastila leader ability, if you want build a Jedi team, and the second to the Yoda unique ability, you can buy 4 zetas per day, so only delays 5 days to get 20. The biggest amount of hoarded currency is the Fleet Store Currency, is at 252.900, so you can use it to farm a lot of zetas, but probably you don't need more than 2 at the beginning, so also you can buy omegas there, is enough currency to buy 126 zetas or 169 omegas. It means that at same time that you buy zetas and omegas also you can buy blueprints to build your Rebel fleet, every 400 currency is 4 blueprints, so is enough currency to get 2.500 blueprints, which means get 8 ships to 7 stars, so I would recommend at same time farm Biggs, Phantom, Ghost, Boba, Vader, Bistan and Ahsoka ships, plus the Bistan and Scarif RP characters. Your Fleet Arena rank will be improved very fast thanks to this currency. The account has 10.075 Mod Energy hoarded, so you will be able to get good mods thanks to it, enough energy to get 630 mods. Also has 3.000 Fleet Energy hoarded, where you can start to get some interesting ships, like the Anakin ship, and, specially, farm the characters needed for Jedi Knight Revan, like Bastila, Jolee and Zaalbar. The account has 34.200 sim tickets, so will not be a problem simulate all this energy. Finally, the account has 661k Ally points, with which you will get a lot of extra characters, shards and gears. You can make a macro with some Android emulator and let the macro do all the job during like 20 minutes to spend all this currency. If you want check which things you can farm with all these hoarded currencies, I recommend check the following website, where you can see which characters, ships and resources are available in every store: In conclusion, my Level 85 Hoarded accounts are very nice for people who want enjoy the game without spend a lot of money, spending this 40 USD will be enough to save 4 months to get level 85 if you start an account from the beginning, will not be needed spend more money, your Grand Arena Championship will be very fun, because you will have a lot of resources to improve your roster faster than your enemies with the same Galactic Power, with few months, like 2 or 3 months, you will be able to get the top in the arenas, like a rank between 100 and 200 in Squad Arena and TOP 20 in Fleet Arena, in few extra time you will improve your fleet and if you maximize your Han's Millennium Falcon, the Hound's Tooth, Biggs, Phantom, Bistan and Cassian ships, plus the characters of every ship, specially Han, Chewbacca, Biggs and Bossk, you will be ready to get Rank 1 and 400 Crystals everyday. Also it could be a good learning account and, when you feel you are ready, because you learned enough, you can buy a Hoard account and dominate the arenas from first day, getting rank 1 everyday. I have Hoard accounts for sale with 5 stars Traya, 5 stars General Kenobi and 5 stars Han Solo, plus 4 o 5 stars Dengar, Barriss and Sun Fac from the Guild Store, with a lot of gears hoarded from raids, by only 56 USD. I have Hoard accounts with 2-Rounds, so with 7 stars Traya, GK and Han and 2 times more resources by only 112 USD. You can check it here: