+12 amulets,Elsword Ib's, PGG blade, etc.

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mylifestyle96, 12/7/16.

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  1. mylifestyle96

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    Message me on fb or add me on skype: seekingforthee

    Paypal is prefer, might take ED as well -Buyer Seals-

    +12 amulet (1 left) = $450


    Gof combo 8/8 Elsword = $140

    Mk-B 3/3 combo Els (sword,google,wing) ~120
    PGG Blade Raven b.o:$70

    PGG Sword Elboy + wing b.o:$100

    Full AD Elsword 10/10~Offer

    SI combo elsword 4/4 (sword,legwing,mini,wing)~Offer

    PGG Elsword 8/8 c.o=175

    MiA Light elsword= $30

    Rickshaw Phoru mount = $25/ 1.2b

    ADD EO FULL 8/8 = $80

    HL hair elsword= $30

    TDI Sword (20% maxi) = $50

    5/5 RS Darkness Guard= $55 + seals

    5/5 SS Elboy: $25 + seals

    6/6 Reaper costume Elboy = $15 + Seals

    VAK hair Aisha= $15 + seal

    SS ceremonial Sword =$15 [SEALED]

    Halloween death playerup.com costume accessory= $15 + white seal

    +12 amulet (3) sold
    AA 3/3 (Wing + crown +Legwing elboy) =SOLD
    SS combo [Sword + shade] 24% maxi=TRADED
    5/5 VIG Elboy: traded
    GL hair elboy SOLD
    Dark Force =SOLD
    Umbra Force=SOLD
    Elboi NBS 8/8 FULL =SOLD
    5/5 EO Elboy: [SOLD]
    SS sword (22% maxi) =$SOLD
    RS hairs elboi Black= $SOLD
    TDI sword (22% maxi) [Sold]
    AD AElboy 8/ 9( no leg wings)= word 24% maxi [SOLD]
    AD Sword= (maxi 22%) [SOLD]
    +11 amulets (x2) [SOLD]
    5/5 PG elboy = [SOLD]
    Raven RMF blade + 2 access 3/3 combo=$60 [SOLD]
    PG wing elboy [SOLD]
    RMF combo 3/3 Raven: [SOLD]
    4th dimension 4d (4/4)+9 [SOLD]
    MiA Mark= [SOLD]
    HL sword + 3/3 acccess [SOLD]
    SS combo sword + shade [SOLD]
    MiA Dynamo=[SOLD]

    B>DKDS abyss elboy, RS earring + RS Sword max maxi, EO ARMBAND ELBOI, HL SWORD
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  2. Bdroxx

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    Id like to buy one of your amulets
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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