Hi, i wanna sell my account because i dont have enough time for games right now.Char is perma stealth and very fun to play. Items on the character ; - Scoundrel Grim PVP Set, Ancient Spymaster Elegant Dagger and Shiv, Rank 7 Enchantment Set, Lesser Soulforged and Lesser Vorpal enchantment on Armor and Dagger. Also character has Regeneration Jewelry set. I only have lvl 49 Lantern of Revelation on character as Artifact. Boons : Dark Fey Hunter ( Sharandar ) , Conjurer's Gambit and Evoker's Thirst (Dread Ring) and Legion's Valor & Glory Seeker ( PVP Campaing) Other items & currencies : Some rank 6 Enchantments, 400k+ AD, 125 Gold, Thayan Antiquity, a lot of currency including 158 tarmalune bars, 7600 glory, a lot of Profession sources etc. Okay, payment details and char price ; - I can go first for trusted members. Im not an love you i can understand a scammer so dont try. - Price is 10 euros. - I'm only using Paypal. - Feel free to ask anything about char or screenshot at Skype.. - Post your Skype adress so you won't get scammed. Thanks