Selling 117 [5* star] Started on Day 1 w/All GHB & Sacred Seals

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by superultraturbo, 7/26/17.

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  1. superultraturbo

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    I've decided to list my FEH account for sale. I'm starting to have a lot less time to play and by having this sold it'll stop me from messing around on my phone too much. I've spent a WHOLE LOT of more money on this than the listed price. If you're interested you can message me on discord @Ybolgwaek#9533 to talk about it and request more screenshots. Here's also a quick video summary of my account

    These are the main points to note
    • 100% totally legit account purchased all orbs myself
    • Max Castle
    • 13 Orbs
    • 68,000+ Feathers
    • Heavily focused on Cavalry and Armored inheritance
    • 391/395 Barrack size [117 are 5*] [This is not even including the amount of 5* used to merge/inherit]
    • I've kept at least 1 of each Hero pulled and Favorited the best Boon/Bane
    • I've gotten every single GHB/Tempest Trials hero and copy so far that have been possible to get. Of them all, I've only promoted Zephiels to 5*/merged, and sacrificed one FRobin to Reinhardt for Blue Tomebreaker.
    • And of course getting Tier 20 in arena
    Now the list of the 5*Heroes. I won't even bother listing the 5* inheritance on them, I'll just note it with an asterisk if they're heavily built for team use. The order is HORSE/ARMOR/INFANTRY/FLIER. For the most part the Bane/Boons are great for each one. I do have them listed for all the 5* and at least one of each of the 4*, just message me if you want those. It's too much of a hassle to list them.

    1. *Reinhardt [+10]
    2. *Frederick [+10]
    3. *Leo [+10]
    4. *Olwen [+8]
    5. *Priscilla [+6]
    6. *Eldigan [+4]
    7. Eliwood
    8. Eliwood
    9. Abel
    10. Abel
    11. Cain
    12. Elise
    13. *Sheena [+10]
    14. *Effie [+8]
    15. *Zephiel [+2]
    16. *Draug [+2]
    17. Hector
    18. Hector
    19. Hector
    20. Hector
    21. Hector
    22. Sheena
    23. *Eirika [+4]
    24. *Raven [+3]
    25. *Linde [+2]
    26. CorrinM [+2]
    27. Azura
    28. Azura
    29. Ryoma
    30. Ryoma
    31. Ryoma
    32. Marth
    33. Marth
    34. Marth
    35. Marth
    36. Ogma
    37. Alm
    38. Alm
    39. Tobin
    40. Seliph
    41. Roy
    42. Roy
    43. Lyn
    44. Karel
    45. Karel
    46. Karel
    47. Karel
    48. Chrom
    49. Chrom
    50. Lucina
    51. Masked Marth
    52. TikiY
    53. TikiY
    54. TikiY
    55. Celica
    56. Lilina
    57. Lilina
    58. Sanaki
    59. Sanaki
    60. Sanaki
    61. Henry
    62. Henry
    63. Henry
    64. Henry
    65. Tharja
    66. Ephraim
    67. Ephraim
    68. Ephraim
    69. Ninian
    70. Ninian
    71. Nowi
    72. Delthea
    73. Fae
    74. Fae
    75. Fae
    76. Merric
    77. Gordin
    78. Jeorge
    79. Rebecca
    80. Rebecca
    81. Rebecca
    82. Rebecca
    83. Rebecca
    84. Rebecca
    85. Takumi
    86. Takumi
    87. Jaffar
    88. Jaffar
    89. Jaffar
    90. Jaffar
    91. Jaffar
    92. Jaffar
    93. Kagero
    94. Maria
    95. Maria
    96. Genny
    97. Lachesis
    98. Lachesis
    99. Lachesis
    100. Lucius
    101. Lucius
    102. Lucius
    103. Mist
    104. Sakura
    105. Caeda
    106. Caeda
    107. Caeda
    108. Clair
    109. Clair
    110. Clair
    111. Hinoka
    112. Minerva
    113. Minerva
    114. Minerva
    115. Camilla
    116. Camilla
    117. Beruka
    And a few notable 4* Heroes.
    • *Kagero [+10]
    • Cherche [+10]
    • Merric [+7]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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