Selling "a begginers account" i guess, reason being ive quit the game long time ago so yeah. Equipment: Raven Sword S3, Skybreak Ring S3, Skybreak Earing S3, Oath Necklace S3, Divine Dragon Bracelet S10, Eternity Belt S1, King Gloves S3, Pulse Mystic Badge, Transendance Soul Badge, Stormbringer Soul and Pet (from previous mastery bundle), Awa HM Heart S5, 3/8 Wanderer SS, 5/8 Lightning SS. My assets can be seen on the pictures. Payment over paypal. Contact: @kipac20 (Instagram.) KipacWF #5960 (discord) milos.jovanovic170 (skype which i rarely use) Price is $45, no more no less. [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] ive got no frickin idea how to upload pictures, so contact me if u wonna know what i got in my inventory, or vaults (aint nothing special)