I am selling a 110 laff toon, Maxed in sell, Has all maxed gags (Except for trap "Level 6") Is a Orange Male Monkey. SUITS: Sellbot: Maxed Cashbot: level 9 money bag Bossbot: level 4 flunky CJ: Did 0 cj's. Level 1. NOTE: This is a autobuy, once purchased you will receive the account immediately without needing to wait. LINK: https://playerup.com/p/24f61264 Price: 40$ If you rather come in contact with me first, I do not mind doing Middleman, you recording, doing half first half after, or any safety precautions. EMAIL: [email protected] NOTE: After purchase you MUST write a review with your honest opinion, good or bad does not matter. Be honest in the review, whether you would recommend me as a seller, if I have good service. if everything went smoothly, or if it was bad service, if you didn't like the whole process. either or. Thank you.