1 year post launch account Monk has fully cleared CD xpac, Both orange runes + inny crown from SoH raid (BIS) & warlord 25 fervor rune. 2425 Resolve with the crown, have a 100 resolve helmet to swap in if needed for some reason, can meet any resolve check without it. Haven't missed a celestial monthly quest, heavily invested into the toon. Assassin got the passed down raid gear, both orange runes again + warlord 25 fervor rune. 2217 Resolve. Account has premium CD expansion, perfection runes unlocked as posted above. Monk has lvl 10 heroic achievement mount unlocked. Account also has about 18 million plat on it currently, 20 toons total. Also have a lvl 110 adventure character boost sitting on it unused in the bank. Have plenty of raid armor unlocked to meet high resolve checks for a new toon, as well as merc crates to sell for status. Feel free to message me with any more info on stats, other unlocks, other toons, can supply any screenshots / info needed.