Selling  High End  Android and iOS 106k CR Stacked Paladin Acct Thundercall see pics*

Discussion in 'Crusaders of Light Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Smushi, 9/9/18.

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  1. Smushi

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    Most of the screen shots will show what’s in the account but I’ll try and summarize it reala week, thus selling the account.
    All the gear is legendary with nothing over 400 and most are still A grade. I just never had time to do high end raids or stay up late so easy couple thousand CR boost simply by completing raids.
    As a Templar (current spec) it can take a massive beating and do 60k dps. Legendary lords are possible and not an issue for you as a tank with this account.
    As a dps paladin with no dps sets it does 100-130k dependent on raid (ie if boss moves a ton obviously dps lowers due to having to chase).
    Account comes with level potion for future level increase.
    Account comes with name change scroll should you opt to rename it.
    As for the rest I will let the pics do the talking. There are 3 alts used for casual play and farming of events. 2 are playable one full 40 diamonds etc.
    If you have any questions please message I’m down to some negotiation but not rip me off amounts.
    Account is a free and clear account. You will receive the email, Facebook.(fake one made only for this account) and Apple ID tied to it. The account has never been steam bound.
    So I am having issues loading images and don’t have the time to mess with it so here is a direct link to the galaxy of images.
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