Procedure 1.Please provide for us your account info: server: account: password:(Please use a temp password for topup) nickname(ingame): 2.Double check your info before sending to us. 3.We will login your account to topup, please be patient of waiting for some time. 4.We will info you when done. Risks(look before you leap): 1.Buying and selling Items from any third-party is prohibited in most online games, including this game. 2.Buying Items, you violate the user agreement of the owners or developers of the game and may be punished. 3.We only promise to topup the Items into your account after you paid for them. So it isn't 100% safe to topup here, You need to undertake all responsibilities if any punished by the game owner. OLNY LOGIN Facebook. AND GOOGLE PLAY! NO GUEST ID! 100% SAFE GUARANTEE FAST DELIVERY 5-10 MIN WHO IS INTERESTED INBOX ME WHATSAPP +48693279734 (0048693279734)