30,000+ Gems ($300 USD value, even you buy in sales, it will be $150)! 15K Grand Arena Coins, 28K Arena coins, 50K Guild coins, 108K Crusade coins. I saved Arena coins to buy best new heroes, and GA coins to buy new gear. 30+ Red gears, hundreds Orange gears, and thousands other gear/reel items. 50 R1 and R2 heroes, including 12 fully geared R2 heroes (up to level 102), with tons of gears ready for 103. Annual card, with 170 days left. This account is in top 5 arena or grand arena ranking most of time to win daily gem rewards, many times #1 in both arenas. Level 102, Server 108. Fully played everyday (spend gems to buy stamina 6 times a day, cost 500 gems, but I am still have hundreds of gems net saving everyday, considering arena ranking daily wins, annual card daily gems, and booty cave earnings) Vip level 12 #1 guild, who won Guild Tournament champion. Asking 400, I can provide pics over line. Thanks and happy playing!