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Discussion in 'Disputes - Banned Threads' started by Md Jabbir Hosen, 8/22/22.

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  1. Md Jabbir Hosen

    Md Jabbir Hosen
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    Suspended Status: This user has been suspended for terms of service violations or fraud practices High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution. Banned Status: This user has been banned due to fraudaulent acts against others

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    I have (1 00 000) points currently available. There are a number of ways we can go about this. One way is to do it in chunks, or I can keep the account and make the orders for you. Ideally I'd like to sell them all in one go, but you will have a better idea of how you might want to split them up.

    I prefer full payment upfront and then distributions follows right after. Cannot guarantee turnaround as that's largely dependent on the content and platform.

    Please don't contact if your intention is to use points for content that is commonly banned. I will not offer a refund after a second ban.

    Thanks for reading - and, hopefully, understanding.

    I am accepted BTC,Perfect Money and Any crypto currency coin.

    - I have full access to the account.

    - Account delivered immediately after payment.

    - Too much good and best account.

    - Good Quality Account.


    Email: [email protected]

    Telegram: { +8801969364724 }

    Whats's app: +8801969364724

    Don't Waste My Time Of You Are Not Serious.

    Contact me
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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