Sold 1000 fast Discord Token E mail verified Premium sale

Discussion in 'Discord NFT Promotions for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by turkeytokenorg, 9/12/22.

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  1. turkeytokenorg

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    Hello, first of all, the program is a single program.
    There were 3 different programs before, the first one is discord token, the second one is checking, so if there is, it works, and thirdly, we developed this program that allows you to upload your tokens to discord.
    We made a program that generates instantaneously with one click, creates an e-mail and phone-approved account, and instantly uploads it to the system.
    We were selling this system in 3 different systems and we were selling it for 850 dollars in total. now we have combined these three programs and now it is 600 dollars
    You can get lifetime 24/7 support.

    There is no program fee, only a license fee. The program is free.
    You are getting a licensed token generator



    1-Week License $65 (If you wish, we can change the name of the program + $ 50 )

    1 Month License 125$ (If you wish, we can change the program name + 50 dollars)

    Lifetime License 600$ (If you wish, we can change the program name + 50 dollars)


    Virus, fake software, etc. about the program. not available. It is user friendly. It is a reliable program. You can check with virustotal.
    The program generates validated coins until you stop it with one click.




    Crypto-Paypal -VISA - BANK ACCOUNT
    The buyer contacts our customer representative, the program is sent to you, after it is sent, the fee is charged, and after the program license key is sent to you, our 24/7 support begins.
    If you have any other program software, please contact us, thank you for the product you have already purchased.

    You can watch the product video. This is how the product works.


    Token Generator

    Token Tools + Token Activator + Token Generator 3 in 1

    You can create as many coins as you want.
    Proxy and Captcha support available
    Putting Tokens on the Server
    Removing Tokens from Server
    Change Profile Photo and Username
    Emoji Click
    Status Text Change
    Token Control
    Token Activation
    Sending Dm Spam and Friend Request
    You can activate your tokens multiple times.
    It is open source.
    With VDS, you can keep it active 24/7.
    Indicates random game play. (rust, minecraft etc.)

    unknown (1).png unknown (1).png unknown (2).png unknown (3).png unknown (4).png unknown.png
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