Selling 100 Game of King blood throne

Discussion in 'Game of Kings Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ulziika, 2/19/23.

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  1. Ulziika

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    Hello im selling my SH21 account in K73 Kingdom. im selling 100$ this account

    Hero Level 53
    EXP Power: 39.830.000 now u can improve it. i was 70m before . but someone attacked me i was unshielded

    and alliance rank 1 and im ranking 4 from alliance
    Fortress 21
    Farm 21
    Sawmill 21
    Quarry 21
    Mine 21
    Farm 21
    Farm 13
    Farm 13 and lot of lvl 9farms
    Wall 21
    Craftman´s Hall 21
    Observation Tower 21
    Warehouse 21
    Hospital 21
    Residential House 21
    Barracks 21
    University 20
    Wrought 21
    Marketplace 21
    Hall of Heroes 21
    Embassy 21
    Hall of War 21
    Black Market 1 and Hospital 21 and lot of 10,9lvk hospitals
    Jail 11 ... i forget others and unlocked 3Monster one is Pionex and black dragon and behemoth

    Troups 125k now. 1.5m was beforeu can train it
    March 5 pcs.
    March Size 250.000
    Max. RSS 2.5m
    If you have any questions write to me.
    I am currently still playing, the score will improve.

    If you are interested, send me a suggestion.

    Best regards

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