Selling  High End 10 Year Old, Level 50, VIP, Super Rare Deadmau account WITH 5000+ ITEMS

Discussion in 'Woozworld Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sierraskyy, 12/1/21.

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  1. Sierraskyy

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    I've had this account since ten years ago and played it on very actively. I have almost everything you could think of and have spent about $2400 dollars on it, hence the pricing. I will link my inventory down below and yes, I do have over 5000+ items. I don't know the exact item account because I got tired of counting, lmao, but I have a lot of time and effort put into this account. I have many unitz, including a fully done University, Apartment, and almost every Woozworld game there is. Additionally, I have most titles unlocked from 10 years ago all the way til today. I recently won Star of The Week, so that's also a benefit. I also have all old Woozworld rares like Bratz, Deadmau, etc. As long as you're familiar with Woozworld clothing, you'll never have to lose a Theme game again, lol. The link below will take you to my inventory so that way you'll know what you're getting:

    If my price is too high for you and you want to make me an offer, you can email me at:
    The woozen name is: Mallmadness
    #1 Sierraskyy, 12/1/21
    Last edited: 12/2/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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