Selling $10 PoxNora Account (276 Runes)

Discussion in 'Poxnora Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by J Richard, 11/29/16.

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  1. J Richard

    J Richard
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    Getting out of the PoxNora game, so I'm liquidating my account. I have the following runes on this account:

    Ailurite Brother, Ambling Frond x2, Ambush, Arcadon x3, Arctic Tiger, Avalanche, Backfire, Bane Shift x4, Blackstone Gargoyle, Blight Ring, Boghopper Shaman x2, Boghopper Splitter x2, Bok Mistress x2, Bond of Vashal, Bonemauler, Brambles, Chain Lightning x2, Cleansing Mist x5, Covenant, Crystallize, Cyclops Earthshaker, Darkmarsh Sorcerer, Deep Freeze x2, Deep Miner, Desperate Heal, Destiny, Devolve x2, Distrubed Spirit, Draconic Sacrifice, Draksar Gunner, Dwarven Mountaineer, Earth Elemental, Eleven Mage x2, Enraged Grizzly x2, Essence Drain, Executioner x2, Favored Nomad, Feeding Frenzy x2, Ferpent, Ferren Brawler x2, Ferren Dancer, Ferren Hideout, Ferren Master x2, Ferren Ninja, Ferren Pouncer x2, Fire Blast x4, Firk Botanist, Firk Spellblaster, Forest Giant, Fortify, Freeze in Place, Freeze the Earth, Frost Amulet, Frostbite, Frostwing Windrider x2, Furbull, Gale Force x2, Garu Shaman, Glacial Titan, Glowing Slider, Goblin Arsonist x2, Goblin Dirtbag x4, Grintmaw Hymn x2, Grintmaw Shaman x3, Grintmaw Singer x3, Halberd of J'thir, Hammer Strike, Hanging Slag x3, Heart of Ice, Herbal Antidote x2, Hungry Dead x2, Ice Golem x3, Ice Statue, Ice Storm x2, Icecliff Patrol x3, Imp, Impervious, Invisibility x2, Ironfist Brawler, Jakei Bruiser, Jakei Climber x2, Jakei Disciple, Jakei Elder, Jakei Frost Queen x2, Jakei Frostbow, Jakei Maiden, Jakei Owl Rider, Jakei Shaman, Jakei Shardmaster x3, Jakei Snowhisper, Jakei Starseer, Jellebrium Darkweaver x3, Jellebrium Lightbringer x2, Lava Trap, Leoss Druid, Lonx Ambusher x2, Lonx Hunt Leader x2, Lonx Recruiter, Lonx Snowguard, Lotus Altar, Marsh Song, Masochism x3, Massive Anuran x2, Mastodon, Mindthief Creeper, Mirror Trap x6, Monsoon x2, Murk Demon x2, Murky Depths, Nefari Dragon, Nefari Griefsinger x2, Nefari Soul Torch, Night Blade x2, Nora Seep, Northern Cross Templar x2, Oaken Mace, Pantier Lurker, Pincushion, Poisonous Fumes, Poisonquill Trap, Polar Ant x2, Pox Renovator, Price of Victory, Psionic Storm x3, Pulsing Globule, Quicken x2, Rascal Fairy, Reclaim, Redcap Twins x2, Rejuvenation Ring x3, Righteous Deflection, Ritual of Ashes x2, Rotmaw Creeper x4, Runic Seal, Sacrifice x3, Sapling x2, Scouring Jasper, Screaming Leviathan x2, Shield x2, Skywing Acidcraw, Slag Slop x3, Sleeping Yeti, Slipwater x2, Snowed In x3, Snuff x4, Soulsphere x2, Spare Parts x2, Steal Life, Summon Ant x3, Suppression Crystal, Swamptouch Amulet, Temple of Brutality, Thorn Trap, ThunderHoof x2, Tortun Fishkisser, Totem of the Muses, Tundra Discipline, Turtle Rider, Utterdark Fadewisp, Utterdark Soulrender, Vashal Eremite x2, Vashal Quillquip x3, Vindrax Scale Shield, War-Enchanted Groble, Weather Harden, Wild Elf x2, Yeti Druid, Yeti Fang x2, Yeti Scout, Yeti Shaman, Yetihide Cape

    I'm asking $10.00 for this account, that's right this account is priced to move. That's less than four cents a rune! Pox doesn't offer deals like this! Price is strong, no negotiations.

    You must have a PayPal account to complete this transaction. If you're interested, please message me, so we can finalize the transaction. I will also any questions that you may have.

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