10 Jungle Heat accounts [updated]

Discussion in 'Jungle Heat Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by metacharls, 6/4/18.

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  1. metacharls

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    Hi, I'm out of JH so I sell this accounts. In the bottom video you can see some features of each one, but mainly of the biggest ones.

    Steps to a successful negotiation on both sides:

    1. Pay for the accounts.
    2. You will receive a code for each account.
    3. Immediately synchronize the code of each account into an IOS device.

    Only if you like to play in Android:

    4. Get the code from your IOS device and syncronize it into your Android device. (This step will associate the account with your new email)


    1. I'll not give you the emails.
    2. I'll support you only until you have the accounts safe on your IOS device.
    3. After point 2, I'll delete the google cache data of each email. So you'll be sure that only you will use all accounts.
    4. For obvious reasons, there are no refunds or returns of money..
    5. Buy only if you are sure of doing it.
    6. I'll check my publication in two days (June 6, 2018 (night)).

    Keep in mind that all bases are still improving until the time of sale, in some cases diamonds can increase or decrease. If the level of any base rises 5 points or more and have not been sold at this price (1000 USD), I will make a new publication with a new price.

    If you buy all the bases before June 15, 2018, I will give you a special price of $ 880 USD.

    You can keep them or resell them safely.

    Additional contact:

    [email protected]

    Write me with the subject: "I want 10 JH", without quotes of course

    Best regards and happy purchase!
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