10$ Ijji Card!

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/2/14.

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  1. Games

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    I received this as a donation for my private server, I have it setup so members can donate ijji cards or wallie cards.

    So, I'm going to try and sell it so I can get the money on Paypal.

    I will simply private message you the code on the card after you pay.

    Best offer gets it.

    Starting Price : 3$

    Contact me by email or msn @

    - Thanks, Project.

    3$ right now.

    I'm hoping to get at least 5, so I'll wait for more offers. :P

    I shall offer 4,2$ .

    Card is still up for Sale.

    Originally Posted by Prahjekt

    Card is still up for Sale.

    Got your offline Msg , I will try to go on tmr and buy it.

    azn go online

    5$ is my offer :]

    pm me ur email

    $6 offer for mee =]
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