Sold 10.4k ap 6 characters all exo equipped and 1 fully ascended!! Collectors hot

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Akwon408, 11/30/16.

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  1. Akwon408

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    This is a personal account that I own and I am not a full time seller or sell other accounts. I am finally quitting this game due to the lack of time I have to be able to play now. My guild requires a more active member and I cannot comply.

    I am the original owner and the only owner. Buying the account I will include all the information necessary to change and log in making it completely yours I even still have the CD KEY as well.

    This account was bought during the first release back in 2012 and I linked it with a clean copy of GW1. The GW1 account was for doing achievements but the game kind of bore me and I never got to it. It has all the expansions. I have also bought the HOT Collectors Expansion unlocking all those limited edition goodies. I haven't even reached the 3rd map of the HOT expansion. Life got extremely hectic now that I have a full time job.

    There are way to many things to list so I will give this API key on here and a website for you to check exactly what I have on there.

    API Key: 74CD426E-45CE-FA44-B56A-FE6FDABDD5CAC131E282-DF25-4ADD-868E-090D0D8D8C68

    I use this website to check:

    If you do plan to offer let me know and we can work something out thanks! My skype is also Akwon408 so you can get in contact with me asap!

    Account was listed on PlayerUp as well!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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