10-20b on arua rose 45-50b$

Discussion in 'Rose Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    U see the name of the thread.. Im buying AruaROSE Zulies for 45-50$ if theres can be # :p

    If someone got to sell me please add me on my msn

    Msn : *****************************************************

    Thanks!! ;-)

    ---------- Post added 08-05-2010 at 07:27 PM ----------

    So im gonna pay 40-50$ for 1b.

    I need more 15b..Got buyed 10 today .. thanks 2 cr0iff 2 sell me :)

    Only serious sellers 2 add me.. Waiting 4 ya guys :)

    Bump Bump!

    i have around that much :O add me on msn *****************************************************

    Bump add me on msn!

    you'ren ever on..

    Bump.. add me on msn

    kids an love you. has no rep. wants me to go first... won't use a middle man service.. he's hopeless. Future / Possible scammer. Don't trade with this guy ( WILL WASTE YOUR TIME )

    are u retarded? This is MATT From aruarose LOL

    this isn't matt.. this is just an love you scammer. you ****ing love you.
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