Asia  PC   Female  Original Owner (Yes) 1-20 5 Handrolled NOT LINKED ASIA Accounts

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Spi23, 5/31/22.

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  1. Spi23

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    Selling 1-20 5* Handrolled NOT LINKED AR7 ASIA Accounts:

    AR7 unless stated

    All just done tutorial upload_2022-6-1_2-37-2.gif Barbara & Xiangling are still available!

    All Birthdate unset, x2 topup still available!

    Discord: Spiritz#8483

    For more details, pics & price: Genshin Impact (click)


    a) 3 Jean, 2 ZhongLi, 2 Qiqi, 2 Mona, [Aloy], Raiden, Venti, Xiao, Diluc, Ayaka, Klee, Yelan, 7 xingqiu (c6), 7 sucrose (c6), 7 noelle (c6), 7 diona (c6), 7 xinyan (c6), 7 ningguang (c6 + gown), 7 yanfei (c6), 6 chongyun, 6 beidou, 6 xiangling, 5 barbara (+swimsuit), 4 razor, 3 lisa, 3 kaeya, 3 fischl, 2 bennett, 2 thoma, 2 amber, sayu, rosaria, yunjin

    Primordial Jade Winged Spear, Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, Amos Bow, r5 dodoco tales, r3 serpent spine, deathmatch, the black sword, r5 favonius greatsword, r5 favonius sword, r5 favonius warbow, r5 lion's roar, r4 stringless, r4 crescent pike, r4 prototype archaic, r4 dragon's bane, r3 widsith, r3 flute, r3 favonius codex, r3 favonius lance, r3 sacrificial fragment, r3 rainslasher, r3 sacrificial sword, r2 sacrificial bow, r2 sacrificial greatsword, r2 the catch, r3 eye of perception, r2 favonius greatsword

    Purple & Gold seelie AR 57

    b) 2 Qiqi, 2 Diluc, [Aloy], Ganyu, Klee, Mona, Eula, Keqing, 7 xingqiu (c6), 7 barbara (+ swimsuit), 6 xiangling, 4 beidou, 4 chongyun, 4 ningguang, 3 fischl, 3 diona, 3 sucrose, 3 bennett, 2 noelle, 2 yanfei, thoma, sayu, xinyan, sara, rosaria, yunjin

    Skyward Harp, Skyward Pride, Primordial Jade Winged Spear, r5 festering desire, r5 windblume ode, r5 dodoco tales, r5 cinnabar spindle, r5 favonius warbow, r4 mappa mare, r3 flute, r3 sacrificial claymore, r2 prototype crescent, r2 favonius claymore, r2 favonius sword, r2 dragon’s bane, r2 widsith, sacrificial fragments, stringless, sacrificial sword, rust, sacrificial bow, favonius lance, lion’s roar, favonius codex, dragonspine spear, snow-tombed starsilver, prototype rancour

    Pink seelie & Eudora AR 55

    ~5 5* waifus~

    a) AR12 starter 2 Jean, 2 Mona, HuTao, Ganyu, Yae, 4 xingqiu, 4 beidou, 3 diona, 3 fischl, 2 sayu, 2 noelle, 2 chongyun, 2 xiangling, razor, thoma, bennett, barbara | 3 favonius lance, 2 favonius codex, 2 flute, sacrificial bow, favonius warbow, rainslasher, lion's roar, sacrificial fragment, widsith, dragon's bane

    ~4 5*~

    a) AR13 starter Venti, Qiqi, HuTao, Mona, 4 xingqiu, 4 diona, 4 xiangling, 3 beidou, 2 lisa, 2 noelle, 2 barbara, 2 chongyun, 2 xinyan, 2 sayu, 2 yanfei, 2 thoma, fischl, razor, bennett, yunjin | 2 rainslasher, 2 sacrificial greatsword, bell, sacrifical bow, stringless, 2 favonius lance, favonius codex, prototype rancour

    b) Xiao, Jean, Mona, Yae, 3 yanfei, 3 chongyun, 2 xinyan, 2 beidou, 2 xiangling, noelle, razor, barbara, bennett, sayu, diona, xingqiu | 2 flute sword, 2 bell claymore, stringless, favonius greatsword

    c) 2 Eula, 2 Raiden, 5 xiangling, 4 xinyan, 2 xingqiu, 2 sayu, barbara, thoma, noelle, ningguang, fischl, 2 sara | 2 stringless, sacrificial fragment, bell claymore, favonius claymore, rainslasher, eye of perception

    ~3 5*~

    a) Klee, HuTao, Albedo, 5 barbara, 3 xiangling, 3 diona, 3 noelle, 2 thoma, 2 chongyun, 2 razor, xinyan, sara | 3 favonius lance, 2 bell claymore, 2 rainslasher, sacrificial fragment

    b) Itto, Qiqi, Keqing, 5 sucrose, 2 xingqiu, 2 diona, 2 xiangling, 2 noelle, 2 barbara, chongyun, beidou, xinyan, thoma, rosaria, sara, yanfei | 2 flute, eye of perception, favonius sword, favonius codex, sacrificial greatsword, dragon's bane

    c) Mona, ShenHe, Ganyu, 3 xingqiu, 3 xiangling, 2 sayu, 2 beidou, 2 chongyun, 2 sucrose, diona, thoma, razor, fischl, xinyan, noelle, ningguang, bennett, rosaria | 2 favonius sword, favonius lance, dragon's bane, lion's roar, sacrificial bow, sacrificial greatsword

    d) Qiqi, ShenHe, Mona, 4 diona, 3 sucrose, 3 razor, 2 beidou, 2 xingqiu, rosaria, fischl, barbara, xiangling, noelle, chongyun | 2 favonius greatsword, 2 sacrificial fragment, sacrificial bow, the bell, stringless, lion's roar, favonius lance

    e) HuTao, Diluc, Ganyu, 4 sucrose, 3 noelle, 3 xingqiu, 2 beidou, 2 yanfei, barbara, razor, fischl, diona, chongyun, sayu, gorou, yunjin | 2 widsith catalyst, dragon’s bane lance, rust bow, eye of perception, favonius bow, favonius sword

    f) ZhongLi, Keqing, Qiqi, 3 xinyan, 2 amber, 2 sucrose, 2 thoma, 2 noelle, diona, barbara, xingqiu, xiangling, razor | 2 favonius codex, favonius lance, sacrificial sword, flute, bell, rust

    g) ZhongLi, Ganyu, Qiqi, 3 xiangling, 3 beidou, 3 sucrose, 2 chongyun, 2 sayu, thoma, ningguang, diona, yanfei, barbara, bennett, xingqiu, yunjin | sacrificial bow, favonius lance, favonius bow, sacrificial sword, lion's roar, flute

    h) Xiao, Jean, Diluc, 4 beidou, 3 noelle, 2 sucrose, 2 xingqiu, 2 yanfei, xinyan, fischl, barbara, diona, thoma, | 2 sacrificial claymore, dragon's bane, favonius lance, widsith, favonius bow, sacrificial sword

    i) HuTao, Qiqi, Ganyu, 5 beidou, 3 xinyan, 3 xiangling, 2 xingqiu, 2 chongyun, 2 thoma, 2 rosaria, 2 noelle, yunjin, sayu, diona, | favonius claymore, favonius sword, sacrificial claymore, flute, rainslasher, favonius lance

    j) Mona, Ayaka, Yae, 3 noelle, 2 fischl, 2 barbara, 2 razor, 2 sucrose, 2 diona, 2 ninguang, bennett, chongyun, xinyan, yanfei, thoma, rosaria, beidou | 2 favonius warbow, bell claymore, sacrificial sword, sacrificial bow, widsith favonius codex favonius sword

    k) Childe, Eula, Keqing, 5 fischl, 4 diona, 2 thoma, 2 xiangling, sayu, diona, noelle, ningguang, sucrose, chongyun, razor, barbara, xinyan, bennett, rosaria | 2 widsith, stringless, favonius codex, flute, favonius warbow, dragon's bane

    l) Eula, Raiden, Qiqi, 5 fischl, 4 thoma, 2 barbara, 2 noelle, 2 beidou, 2 xinyan, sucrose, razor, xingqiu, sayu | eye of perception, stringless, dragon's bane, sacrificial fragment

    m) Childe, Qiqi, Raiden, 5 thoma, 3 fishcl, 2 xinyan, 2 noelle, 2 sucrose, 2 diona, ningguang, barbara, yanfei | 2 stringless, 2 sacrificial bow, dragon bane, sacrificial fragment, favonius claymore, rainslasher, sacrificial sword

    n) Venti, Ayaka, Qiqi, 4 chongyun, 3 xinyan, 2 xiangling, 2 razor, 2 beidou, 2 ningguang, 2 thoma, 2 yanfei, bennett, fischl, barbara, noelle, sayu, rosaria | 2 sacrificial claymore, flute sword, bell, stringless bow, favonius claymore, sacrificial sword

    o) HuTao, Qiqi, Yelan, 4 barbara, 3 yanfei, 3 beidou, 2 sayu, 2 fischl, 2 chongyun, 2 xingqiu, xiangling, noelle, diona | 3 sacrificial sword, 3 favonius bow, stringless, eye of perception, lion roar, dragon's bane

    p) 2 HuTao, Keqing, 3 sayu, 3 noelle, 2 razor, 2 xingqiu, bennett, xiangling, diona, fischl, yanfei, sucrose, thoma, rosaria | 2 sacrificial bow, sacrificial fragments, sacrificial sword, sacrificial greatsword, favonius lance, favonius sword, favonius bow, flute, bell

    q) ZhongLi, HuTao, Qiqi, 5 barbara, 3 yanfei, 2 noelle, 2 razor, 2 xiangling, 2 xinyan, bennett, sucrose, diona, thoma, rosaria, gorou, | sacrificial catalyst, favonius claymore, favonius lance, widsith, stringless, sacrificial sword, rainslasher

    r) Diluc, HuTao, Jean, 6 xingqiu, 3 noelle, 3 diona, 3 xiangling, 2 barbara, 2 beidou, xinyan, sara, ningguang | 2 favonius codex, sacrificial bow, favonius lance, favonius sword, widsith

    s) HuTao, Qiqi, Yelan, 5 xingqiu, 4 barbara, 3 beidou, 2 yanfei, 2 chongyun, 2 diona, fischl, razor, noelle thoma, sayu | 2 stringless bow, favonius codex, favonius lance, rust, sacrificial greatsword, bell

    ~2 5*~

    a) Itto, Mona, 2 xiangling, 2 bennett, 2 xinyan, 2 rosaria, 2 fischl, diona, thoma, razor, barbara, sara, sayu, sucrose, ningguang, noelle, xingqiu, gorou | favonius warbow, favonius codex, dragon's bane, rainslasher, favonius greatsword, lion's roar, sacrificial greatsword

    b) Raiden, ZhongLi, 3 xingqiu, 2 beidou, 2 sara, 2 thoma, 2 yunjin, diona, barbara, sucrose, sayu, noelle, beidou, bennett, yanfei | 2 dragon's bane, rust, favonius codex, favonius lance, sacrificial greatsword, lion's roar

    c) Raiden, Diluc, 4 barbara, 3 xiangling, 3 thoma, 2 beidou, 2 noelle, razor, diona, sucrose, sayu, bennett, rosaria | 2 favonius lance, sacrificial greatsword, flute, favonius bow, lion's roar, favonius greatsword

    d) Qiqi, Yae, 3 razor, 2 beidou, 2 xinyan, 2 xiangling, 2 noelle, fischl, ningguang, thoma, diona | 2 rust, 2 favonius codex, favonius sword

    e) Xiao, Jean, 3 fischl, 3 barbara, 2 chongyun, 2 diona, 2 beidou, 2 noelle, razor, xingqiu, sucrose, xinyan, thoma, xiangling, sayu, yanfei |2 favonius bow, sacrificial catalyst, widsith, favonius codex, rainslasher, sacrificial sword, favonius greatsword, bell

    f) Keqing, Ganyu, 3 noelle, 2 xingqiu, 2 beidou, 2 xiangling, 2 sayu, gorou, fischl, chongyun, xinyan, sucrose, diona, yanfei, razor | 2 dragon's bane, rust, rainslasher, bel

    g) Ayato, Jean, 5 barbara, 3 noelle, 3 xiangling, 2 sayu, sucrose, yunjin, rosaria, chongyun, fischl, beidou, xingqiu, xinyan, bennett | 2 flute, stringless, favonius sword, sacrificial sword, favonius lance, rainslasher

    h) Qiqi, Ganyu, 3 bennett, 3 diona, 2 ningguang, 2 chongyun, rosaria, barbara, xiangling, noelle, thoma, yanfei, xingqiu | 2 eye of perception, rust, rainslasher, flute, lion's roar, dragon's bane

    j) Qiqi, Ganyu, 2 diona, 2 fischl, 2 noelle, 2 yanfei, 2 beidou, xingqiu, barbara, razor, sara, sucrose, sayu, rosaria, xiangling | 3 sacrificial bow, 2 rainslasher, stringless, widsith, sacrificial fragment

    t) Qiqi, Yelan, 3 noelle, 3 barbara, 2 yanfei, 2 xingqiu, 2 sayu, thoma, beidou, sucrose, chongyun, ningguang, , bennett | 2 favonius codex, favonius warbow, flute, sacrificial bow


    c) 3 xiangling, 2 noelle, 2 diona, 2 xinyan, 2 thoma, 2 sayu, xingqiu, bennett | 2 rust, stringless, sacrificial fragment, sacrificial sword, bell

    Discord: Spiritz#8483

    For more details, pics & price: Genshin Impact (click)

    All are #
    #1 Spi23, 5/31/22
    Last edited: 6/2/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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