Sold $1.2/10k gems

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Gems for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by todeosasa, 11/17/19.

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  1. todeosasa

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    You may find my post
    "All Gems/Rss must GO!!!! Dirty low prices" under "Lords Mobile Gems" section
    I have been selling for a long time, sold a total of over 10m+ gems.

    All gems are privately earned/owned and 500% legit.

    Gem price/100k for account might under:


    For gem purchases over $100, you get items worthing 30k gems of your choice.
    For gem purchases over $200, you get items worthing 90k gems of your choice.
    For gem purchases over $500, you get items worthing 240k gems of your choice.
    For gem purchases over $1000, you get items worthing 600k gems of your choice.

    Rss price/billion(non-protected kingdom only)

    Rss $6.5/b

    Gold $19.5/b

    Min order for rss=$19.5

    For rss purchases over $100, you get 900m_rss or 300m_gold of your choice.
    For rss purchases over $200, you get 2700m_rss or 900m_gold of your choice.
    For rss purchases over $500, you get 9b_rss or 3b_gold of your choice.

    For rss purchases over $1000, you get 27b_rss or 9b_gold of your choice.

    For mixed purchases, you can get your bonus based on total $amount of purchase. Contact for details.

    Contact Line todeos

    Note: Only accepting paypal gifting, this is NON-#. Been scammed several times so excuse me on this.

    You may however make small transactions should you be concerned about risks.

    How to make a purchase?

    1. Contact me prior to payment to confirm the details of the transaction(amount, items, delivery time).

    2. Make the payment via paypal gifting, small transaction is fine as long as it is not a rss purchase below the minimum order amount($19.5) as I need to migrate to deliver which costs.

    3. Get ready to accept my guild joining request or join my guild for the transaction.

    4. Enjoy your refreshed account~

    Also selling accounts, total amount of gems on accounts: 12.5m Energy: 164m in bags(Enough for 5000+ Lv3 monster kills), Speedups: 15000days+ left, Relocators: 3000+, etc. etc.

    Got 20accounts, all unlocked giftings. Selling in bulk only, first 4 have T4 unlocked, 6xsub have lv25 academy,

    1 main account with 8+ purple attack jewels of each type, at 200m might, 15m guild coins, 800k+ gems, Watcher 112/150, Chaos Dragon 27/50, with at least 10+ other paid hero packs purchased, 14m+ energy in bags(yes, 14m+ saved). purple mh head/offhand/trinkets, blue weapon/chest, R3 pacts almost completed(R1a and R2a completed for daily cargo/xmute/rss), 500+days of speedups left

    3 submain accounts at 170m might with 50m+ guild coins, 800k+ gems on each, Watcher 107/150, Chaos Dragon 33/50, 16m+ energy in bags, purple mh head, purple/blue trinkets/weapon, green chest, R3 pacts almost completed(R1a and R2a completed for daily cargo/xmute/rss), 1000+days of speedups left

    6 xsubmain accounts at 100m might with 36m+ guild coins, 700k+ gems each on each, Watcher 53/100, Chaos Dragon 22/50, 12m+ energy in bags, blue mh head, green weapon, purple/blue offhand/trinkets, R3 pacts almost completed(R1a and R2a completed for daily cargo/xmute/rss), 1200+days of speedups left

    10 alts at 50m might with 24m guild coins, 550k+ gems on each, Watcher 11/100, chaos dragon 5/10, 13m+ energy in bags, green mh head, others are white-blue, R2 pacts almost completed(R1a&b and R2a completed for daily cargo/xmute/rss), 1000+days of speedups left

    Got a total of over 100b+ rss in bags, 100b+, the energy should be enough to hunt over 5000 Lv3 monsters.

    Purchased 3-5 arcane tomes pack on the first 10 accounts so you could use them as wolf sigil fillers.(prob need another 15 or so each)
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  2. PlayerUp

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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

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