So i am selling my main account because i currently purchased a new smurf and need the money for champs skins etc. i have spent alot of money on my account and it has 126 skins and 1,043,560 lolking score, alot of rare skins like riot graves, zombie brand, hexteck anivia, janna, and alot more. I also have more than 8 legendaries and alot of skins that are legacy. 119 Champions so i am only missing a couple. WILL CONSIDER TRADING FOR HIGH RANKED ACCOUNT! my skype is xmonsterxenergyx feel free to add me if you are interested and we can work something out. In case the photos dont show up here is the dropbox link so you can check out all the skins Dropbox - MAIN 125+ skins If you are interested in my championship riven account or one of my other smurfs here is a link to my other post, I have many dropbox photos which you can view and specific information on each one of my account PHOTOS championship riven, all champions, legendary/legacy skins AND MORE! 5 accounts