Selling 【EN Rank 29】 1 ur, 1 ssr and 3 srs (still very farmable)

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mishi, 10/10/16.

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  1. mishi

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    I have an EN account for $15.
    it has:
    •a UR Riko 【Initial】
    •SSR Maki 【Initial】
    •SR Chika 【Initial】
    •SR Mari 【Initial】
    •and SR Hanayo 【Fairy】

    There are still so much Ns that aren't max bonded (maybe 60+) and so many goals not completed and I purposely didn't full comboed (or any combo) so you can still get the gem and other rewards.

    so it is still VERY FARMABLE
    If mutiple people want it then I will take the highest offer.
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