General description: - Europe Server (between 100-200 - keeping private) - Account top 1 in bascily every category - Top 1 guild (also leader of it) - have almost 3x POWER comparing with 2nd top - have almost 4x EARNINGS comparing with 2nd TOP - 1M of crystals - 8.000 vouchers - around 10.000$ spent ^ have saved many many resources (Helpful for future Rank Rushes/Events) _________________ Account details: ++ 300B/s Earnings ++ 40B Fellow Power ++250K Intimacy ++350k Blessing ++ 56 Family ( 3 UR ) ++ 84 Fellows ( 13 UR ) ++ 20/46 Family costumes/skins ++ 35/68 Fellow costumes/skins ++ ALL SLOTS of Study Tour unlocked Collected all normal and gold fishes as well as antiques _________________ Fellows stella: - 10/20 Aegle (read below please) - 04/20 Leon (read bellow) - 04/20 Orivita - 03/20 Amaterasu - 02/20 Sunna - 02/20 Beelsebub (read bellow) ___________________________________ After-Purchase exclusive service: Can offer you max AEGLE STELLA Can offer you max MUSEUM (around 900.000 museum points) ^ this can boost POWER at least 50% of account power ________________________________________________________ Can offer you Crystals way cheaper than game value - example: 10.000 crystals for 25$ _______________________________________________________________ Can give info how to get max personal points for events: - Sandtopia (easy progress LEON stella) - Mines in Dungeon (easy progress Belseebub stella) (and maybe some more) ___________________________________ I will play until someone buys it. Send me your sincere and serious offer...