$120 IOS 1. Super End game. Story all done (pretty sure at least). Some side missions left. Very rare equips (TW and collab gacha). Most of the top tier weapons and units have max mlb/stats. TW ticket. Tw for vox, berwick, and thetis (2 other ones NOT counting the TW ticket. Possibly more. See vid to verify). 110 crystals (maybe more or less at time of purchase). Most kob units. Dark fen. Mako and priestess equips and units. Etc. Just stacked in general. Vid for more details: $60 Android 2. Starter. 80 crystals (could be more or less in time). Story nearly untouched. Multiplayer nearly untouched. Vid: Both still have foreversummons going. Don't know how to make 2 separate buy links so just PM me if interested I guess. Discord: water3#3997
discord is probably the best way to contact me. Also, if you're interested in both, I'll sell them in a bundle for 20 dollars off ($160 total cost).
I am willing to buy the $120 account off you if you still have it and can we discuss payment in discord